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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The poor guy doesn't know his own emotions. I think he is overwhelmed with regret because Pen is moving on and his body is reacting to this. Or Pen could be upset with herself because she couldn't say yes to Lord D and starts crying. His natural reaction comes through and he is upset and want to comfort her.
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It's for sure NOT a "horny head tilt" as some people were saying. I would say Colin asks Penelope why did she reject Debling, he confesses his feeling, Pen calls him out for "what happened with 'i would never court her in you wildest dreams'", Colin doesn't know how to convince her he does, in fact, truly love her. In any case, the scene will be RIPPING hearts 🤌🤌
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It's a look that says that "I have laid it out as raw as I know how. I love this woman and I've been afraid to be in love with this woman probably for longer than I want to ever examine. And I think it was partly because it was near inevitably going to be the first time I had to believe in me and what I feel in the face of the possibility of Penelope not believing, of her feeling differently." Because he thinks he's being rejected. Because he's never believed in himself more than Penelope has believed in him. And he feels like his ground is lost from underneath him. Because somehow the calling that felt most true in his life is one that somehow he blindly built on the support of Penelope. She's always been integral piece to that Colin. he needs her. AND HE spent all this time in the ton fighting the person he wanted to believe he'd become in order to get back to the place he was to be able to kneel in front of Penelope at that moment and be shattered again. Cuz it took him leaving and coming back and leaving and coming back again just to open his eyes enough to see that Penelope was paradoxically his sense of self. And I think he's looking at her like he accepts rejection, because he knows he deserves it. His eyes are going to take that pain to redefine himself as someone he believes enough in to one day possibly even convince Penelope that he loves her too.
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I think either it's pen telling him that she loved him but has moved on
Or it's colin about to tell her about his feelings but taken back by pen saying that she has decided to marry lord debling
If it's pen saying she loved him and he is overwhelmed and cannot hold back and we get the carriage scene then I'll be dead
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From a recent interview I heard that Luke was supposed to be angry in a particular scene, but instead he had tears as he was overwhelmed? This could potentially be what is going on, in terms of why I also have no idea haha. My two theories are either Debling has proposed to Pen and it's made him emotional or he found out that Pen is Lady Whistledown.
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Someone mentioned that he is looking up. So he may be down on his knee?
I read a spoiler (true or false?) that Pen turns Colin down at first. Maybe Debling proposes and he says "Don't marry him, marry me."
She isn't wearing lipstick and his cravat is undone so maybe he thought that if he caved to his passion (and hers) that it was a done deal that she would marry him because she was compromised.
And she may look angry because she says, "Oh now that someone else wants me, you want me?" I think she turns him down because she wants to know that he really loves her and it's not just some competition.
The tears and disbelief are because Colin, for once, isn't getting what he wants super easy this time.
In an interview Luke Newton said that there was a scene where he was supposed to be angry and he was so exhausted he just broke down crying. This may be that scene.
Also, there was an account that was up and down yesterday that had a bunch of spoilers that a person grabbed and shared (possibly true or false) that Pen doesn't reveal herself as LW until episode 6.
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If the spoilers are only from episodes 1-4 then I think there is no way he finds out she is LW. Way too early. I think she either rejected Lord Deblings proposal and run away & Collin chased her or the other way round she accepted his proposal but is distraught because her heart belongs to Colin.
I think Colin face is desperation, jealousy, and love declaration
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In that recent InStyle interview Luke talks about how theres a scene where Colin is supposed to be angry and shouting, but after doing it for a while and being tired Luke ended up crying during a few takes of it. I wouldnt be surprised if this was that scene, assuming the carriage scene has Pen and Col arguing about the same thing as in RMB 👀
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He realized she loves him, she asks why he kissed her and keeps giving her mixed signals as she doesn’t know if she can go on like that while being persuaded by another man but at the very end he can’t say he loves her and he hits her with a I don’t know but I want you to be happy. She runs off telling him you’re so cruel Colin and he realizes he messed up big time and goes after her.
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9 months ago
I think he figures it out she’s LW bc his face very much gives “no dont do this to me”. He dislikes LW and for his true love to be an enemy is prob a shock
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