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Net carbs, should you be using this carb counting method if you have diabetes? #shorts
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15 Views ā€¢ Nov 24, 2024 ā€¢ Click to toggle off description
Net carbs are a highly debated topic in the diabetes world and if you are unfamiliar you certainly should be because your blood sugars depend on it.

In a nutshell, net carbs is when you subtract dietary fiber (and sugar alcohol) from the total amount of carbs because they ā€œdonā€™t have a blood sugar impactā€.

For example, if you eat an apple that has 22g of carbs and 5g of fiber, using net carbs you would count it as ā€œ17g of carbsā€.

Should you use it and subtract the fiber if you live with diabetes?

In two words, it depends.

Some people go through their entire lives with diabetes counting total carbs and being total carbs.

I personally find if I do that I end up with a very low blood sugar because the fiber does not impact me.

However, I would encourage you to be consistent.
Either subtract fiber or donā€™t subtract fiber, but donā€™t overcomplicate it because everybodyā€™s body is a little bit different and will respond differently.

This is a bit more nuanced than this but tell me, do you subtract fiber or do you not?
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Views : 15
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 24, 2024 ^^

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