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0 Views ā€¢ Nov 4, 2022 ā€¢ Click to toggle off description
Good and Healthy Energy Levels are important because this helps you:
*keep motivated
*keep your appetite regulated
*promote sleep
*control stress
*boost your creativity

Having low energy levels on the other hand might have negative effects such as increases chances of making mistakes, makes your mind feel foggy, causes tiredness, and make you a little grumpy.

To increase your energy levels, make sure you get good rest at night, reduce your screen time, eat healthily, exercise, take brain breaks, and go outside to breathe fresh air and get sunshine.

ā—ļøHave FUN while learning ENTREPRENEURSHIP & MONEY MANAGEMENT for kids aged 6-12! Visit the link below for more info:

šŸŒŸ Check out our additional resources that help kids cultivate key life skills through entrepreneurship and financial literacy while strengthening their growth mindset: raisingempoweredkids.com/page...

Stay tuned for each 1-minute episode of Real World Lessons! And donā€™t forget to like and subscribe for more awesome real-world content and real-life lessons...real quick
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Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 4, 2022 ^^

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