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Views : 37,467
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 8, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Intelligence/iq to paradox, battle iq 100000000000% goes to paradox because he can go forward in time, see all possible outcomes of ricks moves and his counters, and can simply destroy rick. Also guys if you do some research professor paradox is voiced by the same person who voices alfred pennyworth. Alfred negs, and so does professor paradox. 🗿🐐
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As much as i like Rick. I'd say paradox wins on the pure fact that he has mastery over time. Sure, within reason he can go anywhere but this really means that Rick couldn't even touch him due to his unwillingness to time travel and i doubt Rick could time travel as good as Paradox. Rick may have way more advanced weaponry than Paradox but it doesnt mean anything if he couldnt touch him. Like, i get it, Rick could figure it out and figure how to stop Paradox but I still give it to Paradox based on how stoic he is and how calm he remains. Rick gets all sorts of angry and flustered with enemies who can outthink him and i genuinely think Paradox could.
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1 year ago
paradox is truly underrated
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