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Hwasa doesn’t let people talk bad about themselves or others
 High Quality Audio
982,961 Views • Jun 24, 2021 • Click to toggle off description
She is the sweetest
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Views : 982,961
Genre: Music
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 24, 2021 ^^

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Rating : 4.982 (388/83,796 LTDR)

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User score: 99.31- Masterpiece Video

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


3 years ago

She herself knows the the unworthiness of beauty standards, She is a trend setter,
Stan a Queen.

9.2K |


3 years ago

She don't want other people to feel the way she felt before. Hwasa is an angel.

6.6K |


3 years ago

Someone: *talks bad about themselves*
Hwasa: Aniyaa

3.4K |


3 years ago

It's absolutely the kind of attitude to have today when you are so easily judged for things that don't matter. You should never look down on yourself or let others do the same. I love how she didn't stand for the joke because body shaming anyone and making them feel insecure about their appearance should not be funny. She is such a Queen!

2.5K |


3 years ago

"Dont be like that. Her back is beautiful." I LOVE this tbh. It just shows how that shes willing to stand up for someone if theyre not there and go against what the whole group is doing just bc she felt it was right. Idk I just really admire that because she could have just stayed silent and uncomfortable but she called them all out on tv! An uplifting queen tbh.

177 |


3 years ago

hwasas' mindset :"all living things are beautiful" brightside of life💓💓

536 |


3 years ago

“Don’t be like that, her back is beautiful”
As someone who’s been called fat by my family members, and then played off as a joke, my whole life, I really admire her for speaking out against that kind of talk. Wether it’s a joke or not, your words do have an effect on others. I wish others would realize that and stop normalizing blatant body shamming as a funny thing to laugh at….. We really do need more people like Hyejin in this world🤍

706 |


3 years ago

Oh Hyejinie... This cruel world doesn't deserve you...

441 |


3 years ago

That's why we call her the real queen❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hwasa stan forever ✊

370 |


3 years ago

I love that about her. Koreans are very hash with their words always pointing out others insecurities, I notice that a lot but words truly hurt and Hwasa (Maria) knows that, so she doesn't want others to feel bad about themselves. Thanks Hwasa for existing.

165 |


3 years ago

U know she is so kind. Our precious baby with a big heart

272 |


3 years ago

She is really a nice person 💚 who care about the people sentiment around her . How fast she said no u are looking good to everyone i love this gir

632 |


3 years ago

When you have heard rude comments all your life.. you know how it feels to hear such words even if its a joke

192 |


3 years ago

She's so cute and kind she deserves all the love

101 |


3 years ago

Hwasa is a beautiful soul inside and out. By dealing with negativity aimed at her, conquering it and forging her own path triumphantly, she has developed a loving and empathetic nature. I really love who she is.👑

51 |


3 years ago

I am so proud of her. She knows herself how it feels to be put down by others so she tries to lift others up. She is so strong

43 |


3 years ago

Hwasa is such an amazing role model and person. It is sadly uncommon to have people like this now and days. Hwasa is such an angel sent from heaven. We shall protect her at ALL COSTS!

8 |


3 years ago

That's sweet. I love that she's willing to stand up for others when they're not feeling like their best

5 |


3 years ago

She deserves all the love and support a very kind and caring idol i stan you my Queen 👑❤

39 |


3 years ago

She’s right!!
Keep it in mind when you talk down on yourself haha

90 |

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