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Views : 54,252
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 9, 2022 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-07-20T21:00:55.035097Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
As Chia seeds have high fiber, I'd assume they would slow down the absorption of sugar in blood stream, ie, it's like a damping function that would disallow blood sugar from spiking so high. Analogy: Turning a car at a road corner with or without automatic brakes at a very high speed. One is intuitively better than the other!
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I totally agree. Changing the diet from bad to good is a must if we want to enjoy the body we live in for as long as we can.
Do not put into your body anything that can damage it. It's the only one you have and it will be great if you can stay off medications because you took care of yourself by eating correctly and not being conformed to this world & eating the way the world eats. Allow your mind to be transformed by being renewed and learn truth about what to put into your body and what not to touch.
Adam & Eve had the perfect diet.
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9 months ago
Thank god someone is honest on Youtube.
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