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Views : 15,138
Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 22, 2023 ^^
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User score: 98.62- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2023-03-21T21:23:23.183924Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
So do u do less wide bc harvesting in the middle? I have a reg garden..some transplants some seeds but I compost and the center of my garden is worked but nothing planted. I am doing vertical melons peas n gr beans so kinda not on purpose started at the edges first.. .I love the total control of medium tho!!! Next year baby
I wish I didn't have this information when I first started gardening. Raised beds are expensive and don't provide any benefits besides attaching trellises and low tunnels slightly easier. The biggest myth is that they give you more control over your growing medium because almost all soil has everything it needs to grow great organic food, you just need to add organic matter AKA compost, wood chips, straw , etc. I spent a lot of unnecessary money setting up my raised beds and I wish I didn't.
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2 years ago
If I found a group of bunnies in my raised bed they are now mine and will be named.
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