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Views : 64,875
Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 23, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-11-28T14:50:39.347324Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I feel so bad and afraid for this kid, my mother passed on to my sister and I a whole lot of food fear, that she'd inherited from her mother and sister, but even when her (now ex) boyfriend told her to not whisk plates off from under my nose she didn't listen.
She honestly thought she was sparing me from all the hurt and bullying that she endured, however last year anorexia very nearly killed me, and my mom and I had a really good talk months later about how she passed on her trauma and disordered habits thinking she was protecting me, and how she should've done it instead (she asked me what I wished she'd told me as a kid).
This here is giving "transmitting orthorexia to my kid because I think it's healthy and will keep her safe" when really it could end her life.
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I am a crunchy mom and we eat mostly Whole Foods. I teach my children to eat good quality food that makes them feel good. I would never teach them to be afraid of any food. I personally want my kids to have a good relationship with food forever, not go off the deep end when I'm not around because they've never been able to have any of those treats that they see others having.
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I don’t understand how these parents can put their kids on the internet like this. I mean I’m not talking about posting a pic of your new baby on your personal instagram so your friends and family can see them easily. I mean filming them, giving them scripts, getting into their personal business and putting it online to go viral. Even putting aside the amount of CREEPS online, you’re just coaching your kid to be your little money making puppet
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Not suggesting that you should bombard a kid this age with all of that to the point she can recite it. That said, pesticides aren't great for you, neither is aspartame, and neither are added hormones in dairy or meat. I try to avoid those things as much as possible. So do many people. We don't all have eating disorders because we'd rather not have chemicals in our bodies.
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5 days ago
That is absolutely horrible that poor girl 😞
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