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4 Views β€’ Dec 10, 2023 β€’ Click to toggle off description
Often when trying to learn the handstand press, many would face the wall and kick up like in the first section of the video however, this limits your range of movement and is not realistic as when you go to do it without the wall you will find that the balance of the handstand is completely different, as you go lower your legs need to adjust as your centre of mass shifts. When doing it the second way, you allow your body to do so and therefore make the movement more realistic to the actual handstand press.

Hope this helps! Leave your feedback in the comments and we'll have a look.

#handstandpractice #handstand #workouttips #workoutathome #calisthenic #calisthenics #calisthenicsworkout #handbalance #yoga #improvement #progression #beginner
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Views : 4
Genre: Sports
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 10, 2023 ^^

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