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Uploaded At Sep 6, 2022 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I lost a brother in 2010, a nephew in 2016 & my closest brother in 2019. My life has been forever and always changed. #SuicideSucks A HUGE thank you to all the performers who Promote Suicide Prevention Awareness!!!
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❤😢 One year after my Husband of 20 years passed I almost lost our 14 yr old daughter - She overdosed on meds and tried to kill herself over the loss of her Father.. But THANK GOD I found her just in the nick of time to get her immediate help with NARCAN from the paramedics!!
After 3 days in the hospital She went to a in patient program for 8 weeks and then continued therapy at home for another 9 months and it helped her greatly .. She has been doing absolutely amazing ever since and is a totally different and happy young beautiful girl ... I am so grateful that I have her here ALIVE with us today and I am so very proud of her.
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I have a friend who's sister committed suicide this morning. My heart breaks for him. He's angry right now. As a survivor of several attempts, I tried to explain to him what would make her be so selfish. Sometimes we look like we're doing just fine while inside we feel completely alone and carry so much pain in our hearts, along with the weight of the world on our shoulders. We are so used to nobody listened that we fear speaking up and saying I'm not ok. Or we don't want to trouble anyone with our problems. I can't count how many times my own family has called me a drama queen looking for attention. Especially when my children's father and best friend for 26 years overdosed 4 years ago. My tears were not recognized or accepted by anyone. So I grieved alone in silence, too afraid or ashamed to let anyone see my pain. It should be ok to talk to someone without being judged or labeled as crazy. To anyone reading this who might feel like nobody cares, I do. I've been there. Speak up, even if you think you will not be heard. Just keep speaking up until someone listens and understands. Call a friend, call the suicide hotline, talk to God. I hope my friends sisters soul is finally at peace, and the pain she carried around like an anchor is no longer weighing heavily on her heart. I'm sorry that her family has been shattered by her decision, but I didn't think of my children the day I almost ended my life. I thank God I am still here. Sometimes those dark thoughts try creeping back in. But I have learned to love myself and everything about me that I always feared that wasn't good enough for everyone else. They don't matter. But my life does now, and I will never again allow anyone's opinion dictate my life and chase me back into the darkness. Mental health needs to be something that we aren't ashamed to talk about. Thank you Godsmack for bringing this to light. Please check in on friends and family and just ask from the heart "Hey, how are you doing ?" To some, it can make all the difference in the world. You never know what demons people are dealing with. And please, just be kind to one another.
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My mom took her life back in October. She was 46 years old. I'll never forget that morning my wife woke me up asking who Angela was cause she never got to meet her due to the fact I didn't speak to her for 5 years. Moral of the story don't hold grudges, and don't be afraid to reach out to someone you see hurting it may just be what they need to make it another day. Much love everyone and thank you godsmack for all your work!!!
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So many lives have been ripped apart and affected by the so called inner demons that fight us all. So called mental health, it's a real issue that hitts home to All of us! So hey, just want to say, thank you Sully and Godsmack for supporting and bringing to light this devastating outcome of the battle being lost!! Stay strong my fellow friends , we're all in it together!❤️
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Rock music is the exact opposite of what it is stigmatized as. Rock is saving me. Rock has saved many others. I understand how hard it is to see the light in the darkness. My only true blood uncle took his own life after living three months in the winter of Iowa with no electricity. He suffered from addiction. It affects my dad to this day. My dad suffers addiction. I am battling addiction(not hardcore but I live in my head a lot) and I WILL WIN. One of my best friends was suffering addiction and OD’ed. We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion. Thank you to all the artists In rock that make me feel like family. DONT GIVE UP WHEN YOU ARE AT YOURE LOWEST YOU CAN ONLY GO UP!
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2 years ago
Lost one of my brothers last year. Depression is no joke. Believe me, I suffer from it too. Be there for people. You never know what their roads consisted of or how they feel having traveled those roads.
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