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Uploaded At Apr 7, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
You guys are really slow.... There is one God... he sent several prophets and some of them were given scripture, even though your scriptures have been forged ofcourse you would find similarities... but what is even better you find correction. Quran is the tool for truth if you want truth that is.
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No the Quran is an entirely separate book - but it’s the same message. Islam is NOT a new religion rather a continuation it’s the same message pray to one God, do good, be honest etc etc however as you know the Torah and Bible were written hundreds of years after the death of anyone who was present. The Quran is fiercely protected just have a read about it and you’ll see. The Bible has many parts left out and added in that were never part the faith.
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Islam doesn't need to plagiarize the bible or the torah. All three book were revealed from God but the Torah was sent to the Jewish people & has been corrupted then came the bible & been corrupted & you don't have any originals. Islam came with the correct revelation.
You don't like it, have it your way but we believe in the Quran as the final uncorrupted book, because it was memorized from cover to cover.....!!!
Thanks God for Islam ❤❤❤
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اعوذباللہ من الشیطان الرجیم
الذین یومنون بما انزل الیک و ما انزل من قبلک و بالاخرت ھم یوقنون۔
Muslims believe all prophets were right.But there message was manipulated by their followers.This is the basics of Islam that we believe that all prophets were from Allah (swt).Islam have its own teaching no need to copy from Torah.
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10 months ago
If the Qur’an plagiarized the Bible then it would also be inconsistent and full of contradictions. Luckily that isn’t the case, Alhamdulillah
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