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5 Most Commonly Mispronounced Words Part:2 | My Disha Academy | Like & Subscribe #vocabulary
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426 Views • Premiered Nov 28, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
5 Most Commonly Mispronounced Words In India by Sanchi Mam | My Disha Academy | Like & Subscribe
आइये सीखते हैं 5 Mispronounced Words जो 99.9% लोग गलत ही बोलते हैं। This is the best pronunciation English class ever.

50 Mispronounced Words जो 99.9% लोग गलत बोलते हैं | Best Pronunciation English Class

Start on your journey of becoming a new You, today, right here, with me.
Small changes make a big difference. Correct your pronunciations and check if you pronounce these most commonly mispronounced words, correctly. words pronounced wrong
commonly mispronounced english words
commonly misspelled english words
commonly misspelled english words
speaking commonly mispronounced words osstet

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The video contains a list of 5 common misspelled words in English.
Here are the 100 misspelled words:

Word Pronunciation
Acoustic uh–koo-stik
Adjective aj-ik-tiv
Adolescent ad-l-es–uhnt
Alcohol al–kuh-hol
Alzheimer’s ahlts-hahy-merz
Ambitious am-bish–uh s
April ey-pruhl
Arithmetic uh–rith-muh-tik
Asthma az-muh
Attorney uh–tur-nee
Automobile aw-tuh-muh–beel
Word Pronunciation
Ballet ba-ley
Banana buh–nan–uh
Barley bahr–lee
Barometer buh–rom-i-ter
Bear bair
Bomb bom
Breakfast brek–fuhst
Buffet buh–fey
Bury ber-ee
Word Pronunciation
Cache kash
Cadet kuh–det
Capacity kuh–pas-i-tee
Carnivorous kahr-niv-er-uh s
Chaos key-os
Civil siv–uh l
Cleanser klen-zer
Collaboration kuh-lab-uh–rey-shuhn
Colonialism kuh–loh-nee-uh-liz-uh m
Comedian kuh–mee-dee-uhn
Commodity kuh–mod-i-tee
Complacency kuh m-pley-suh n-see
Congratulation kuh n-grach-uh–ley-shuh n
Creature kree-cher
Crocodile krok–uh-dahyl
Cucumber kyoo-kuhm-ber
Word Pronunciation
Debris dey–bree
Decent dee-suh nt
Decimal des–uh-muh l
Decipher dih-sahy-fer
Demography dih–mog–ruh-fee
Deodorant dee-oh-der-uhnt
Depot dee–poh, dep-oh
Descent dih-sent
Detonate det-n-eyt
Developer dih-vel–uh-per
Devotee dev-uh–tee
Diplomacy dih-ploh-muh-see
Diplomatic dip-luh–mat-ik
Divisive dih-vahy-siv
Domestic duh–mes-tik
Draught draft
Drought drout
Word Pronunciation
Eccentric ek-sen-trik
Echelon esh–uh-lon
Electoral ih-lek-ter-uh l
Electrician ih-lek-trish–uhn
Eloquent el–uh-kwuhnt
Emergency ih-mur-juh n-see
Endeavor en-dev-er
Envelope en-vuh-lohp
Epitome ih-pit–uh-mee
Extravaganza ik-strav-uh–gan-zuh
Word Pronunciation
Facilitate fuh–sil-i-teyt
Faux Pas foh pah
February feb-roo-er-ee
Forensic fuh–ren-sik
Forget fer–get
Generic juh–ner-ik
Grenade gri-neyd
Guerrilla guh–ril–uh
Word Pronunciation
Handkerchief hang-ker-chif, -cheef
Hazard haz-erd
Hereditary huh–red-i-ter-ee
Hippopotamus hip-uh–pot–uh-muhs
Horizon huh–rahy-zuhn
Hotel hoh-tel
Hypnotize hip–nuh-tahyz
Hypocrisy hi–pok-ruh-see
Word Pronunciation
Ignorance ig-ner-uhns
Impropriety im-pruh–prahy-i-tee
Infamous in–fuh-muhs
Information in-fer–mey-shuhn
Ingredient in-gree-dee-uhnt
Innovation in-uh–vey-shuhn
Introduction in-truh–duhk-shuhn
Word Pronunciation
Jeopardy jep-er-dee
Jewellery joo–uhl-ree
Kerosene ker–uh-seen
Legacy leg–uh-see
Legitimate li-jit–uh-meyt
Leprosy lep–ruh-see
Lettuce let-is
Liaison lee-ey-zuhn/ lee-ey-zawn
Lieutenant loo-ten–uhnt
Word Pronunciation
Magician muh–jish–uh n
Majestic muh–jes-tik
Materialize muh–teer-ee-uh-lahyz
Maternal muh–tur-nl
Matrix mey-triks
Medieval mee-dee-ee-vuhl
Melodious muh–loh-dee-uh s
Melody mel–uh-dee
Metabolism muh–tab–uh-liz-uhm
Metallic muh–tal-ik
Mischievous mis-chuh-vuhs
Monotony muh–not-n-ee
Moustache muhs-tash
Word Pronunciation
Nazi naht-see
Neglect ni-glekt
Negotiate ni-goh-shee-eyt
Nominal nom–uh-nl
Nominee nom-uh–nee
November noh-vem-ber
Numb nuhm
Objective uhb-jek-tiv
Offend uh–fend
Official uh–fish–uhl
Onion uhn-yuh n
Word Pronunciation
Parole puh–rohl
Pathetic puh–thet-ik
Pathology puh–thol–uh-jee
Patrol puh–trohl
Metadata And Engagement

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License: Standard YouTube License
Premiered at Nov 28, 2022 ^^

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

Got 3/5 wrong all my life. Thanks for the video 🙏

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