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0 Views • Feb 13, 2025 • Click to toggle off description
Optimize your energy at lunchtime with an Animal Based lunch that is rich in protein and healthy fats. Grass-fed steak is an excellent source of iron, zinc, and B vitamins, which are important for energy production and the immune system. The butter provides additional calories and supports the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which protect your body from free radicals and promote collagen production.

By reducing the consumption of vegetables, we focus on the easily digestible benefits of animal products and fruits. This can help minimize digestive discomfort and optimize nutrient absorption.


*Podcast Links:*
Spotify: [Real Talk Respawns on Spotify](open.spotify.com/user/31wdzfxldohixr6sktxmi45ysbki…)
YouTube: [Real Talk Respawns on YouTube](   / @realtalkrespawnseh  )
TikTok: [Real Talk Respawns on TikTok](www.tiktok.com/@real.talk.respawn?_t=ZN-8t7CPkDniN…)
Instagram: [Real Talk and Respawns on Instagram](www.instagram.com/real_talk_und_respawns)
Twitter (X): [Real Respawn on X](twitter.com/RealRespaw93353?s=08)

*Hobby Gourmet:*
TikTok: [Hobby Gourmet on TikTok](www.tiktok.com/@hobbygourmet1603?_t=ZN-8t7LlF08aUY…)
Instagram: [Hobby Gourmet on Instagram](www.instagram.com/hobbygourmet1603?igsh=a3RoZG42Mz…)

*German YouTube Lifestyle Channel:*
Instagram: [neuer_tag_neues_wachstum](www.instagram.com/neuer_tag_neues_wachstum/profile…)
Twitter (X): [EliasJalow61219](twitter.com/EliasJalow61219?t=D2VLJesxMrdxX-ma9X2hLA&s=0…)
TikTok: [neuertagneueswachstum](www.tiktok.com/@neuertagneueswachstum?_t=8ro8qzaJR…)
Snapchat: [epicgrowthquest](www.snapchat.com/add/epicgrowthquest?share_id=VcoV…)

*English YouTube Channel:*
Twitter (X): [EliasJalow91801](twitter.com/EliasJalow91801?t=wVqlpuFBrKsZQEZ-m6w8iw&s=0…)
TikTok: [new.day.new.growt](www.tiktok.com/@new.day.new.growt?_t=8ro90ADOPxO&_…)
Instagram: [new_day_new_growth](www.instagram.com/new_day_new_growth/profilecard/?…)

*Gaming Channel:*
Instagram: [epicgrowthquest](www.instagram.com/epicgrowthquest/profilecard/?igs…)
Twitter (X): [max6cool](twitter.com/max6cool?t=vrYO0q4uZMot9SDLdu43Fg&s=09)
Twitch (for Livestreams): [epic_growth_quest on Twitch](www.twitch.tv/epic_growth_quest)
TikTok: [epicgrowthquest_thereal1](www.tiktok.com/@epicgrowthquest_thereal1?_t=8roA0M…)
Snapchat: [epicgrowthquest](www.snapchat.com/add/epicgrowthquest?share_id=VcoV…)


#ForYou, #ForYouPage, #FYP, #Viral, #Trending, #ExplorePage, #AnimalBased, #AnimalAndFruit, #Lunch, #Steak, #GrassFed, #Butter, #Strawberries, #Protein, #Vitamins, #HealthyEating, #DietChange, #Month3, #Energy, #HealthyLiving, #Wellness,
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 0
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 13, 2025 ^^

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