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Views : 6,048,364
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 18, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
That was so damn reckless. He could've easily gotten killed. I believe the Hulk was pissed off at the fact that Beltzer was constanly outing professional wrestling as fake. So he figured he'd teach him a lesson. Eventually the Hulk was sued and the 2 agreed to settle out of court for about $400,000.
1K |
Hulk and Mr T did an interview not long later saying they absolutely loved that he went to sleep and hurt himself, but they had to act sympathetic as there was about 50 dying kids on the front row who viewed them as heroes and didn't want to come across as bad menš
After seeing this interview, Belzer decided to go after them and sue them, which ended up being almost half a mil and he won
11 |
1 year ago
Important thing to note, the biggest risk to Belzer wasn't the choke, it was Hogan casually dropping him so his head hit the ground.
2.4K |