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License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 1, 2024 ^^
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Step Thirteen Dark Art: Oroboros
It all began in the water. It all returns to the water. In other words, water is life, and yet death. The mother that bears us, and a devouring serpant. All things are in flux, and not even time can go against the current. Like a boat tossed about on a great river, in the end it too is merely devoured. Ahh, cruel uncertain providence. But that cruelty and uncertainty have already forgotten. The face of their beloved mother. I will become a serpent, open my mouth, and devour billions of lands. An eternal void, never filled. An eternal pleasure, never satiated. You must change, all things, and return to my maw.
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Watching this video again you know when everything was shut down during the pandemic I went up and down the coast from Nor Cal down to San Diego and most of the beaches where taped off with law enforcement stopping people from going to the water but where it wasn't I swear it looked like there was oil in the ocean and there where dead animals all over the beach also think about this Jesus said that he is the living water and that he will spring up like a well inside you and you will thirst no more
If God is water and because of that he takes on either gender then why in genesis does God separate the genders as male and female. Also why do we call him God the Father and God the Son? God is God not what we think or feel like he is. His law is beautiful and just and swift. Repent and believe in Jesus Christ and embrace the one true God who loves you more than you know!
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1 year ago
Every element is a God for The Creator. We are Goddesses and Gods. Stay safe and Bless family.
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