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Views : 1,653,674
Genre: Film & Animation
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 15, 2023 ^^
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Rating : 4.984 (985/242,664 LTDR)
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User score: 99.40- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2025-03-10T19:21:11.996612Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Theres something so comforting about having someone by your side while you sleep, even outside of a romantic context, it's such a sweet way to say "I love you and trust you" and it makes you feel so safe and warm. I used to have someone like that, a friend who'd always stay with me, but she sadly passed away two years ago. Nights have never felt so cold and empty, it really is a good feeling to be loved, please, reader, never take it for granted <3
5.8K |
Being chronically touch-starved and lonely is literally the worst combo meal ever
Edit: It's been nearly an entire year since I made this comment, and I still get replies under this to this day. I thought I'd give everyone a little token of my own life currently.
Since this comment, I've been dating someone for nearly 2 years now. Our anniversary is in 3 weeks. We are long-distance. I don't feel as lonely as I used and have found making friends quite easy nowadays, albeit not in person.
We keep having problems. These little things will blow over sometimes, I know it. I want to keep powering through, but with this I have discovered a few new types of deep pains.
The pain of loving someone who is emotionally unavailable at times, especially when you need love most, is a new burn.
The pain of being dismissed or scolded for opening up or trying to communicate hurts like hell too.
What a shitty pair of new combo meals.
4.4K |
1 year ago
Feeling lonely is the most hurt feeling that someone can feel.
22K |