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Views : 658
Genre: Science & Technology
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 17, 2023 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2023-06-17T23:47:48.853967Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I'm dismayed to see this charlatan on this channel.
Anyway, (1) the dinosaurs having a space program has nothing to do with whether they are here today. And they ARE here, in the form of birds. Frankly that seems better than a space program.
(2) No, space costs are not plunging.
(3) and I can't believe I have to say this, but NOBODY has gone to Mars, at any price. And nobody will. It's far too expensive to do in any way safe enough that humanity will allow (after the first crew dies).
1 year ago
If you needed to pay each astronaut a few million dollars, and put 30 million dollars into advertising the rocket and all the other costs associated with making a movie, then the rocket would cost much more. If all the actors decided to make the movie for free and not advertise the movie at all, they could film that movie for under 5 million or less. The rocket would be impossible to cut down on costs, so that is a pretty stupid comparison. Also the next cost of the movie is positive (they made more than they spent) and the rocket is negative, so in reality the movie was not just free (net cost) but made millions. Until there's a reason and a profit to send rockets to Mars, it won't happen.
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