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Views : 36
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 24, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
AI cannot and will never be self-aware, because self-awareness is an attribute of the Soul only. AI is based solely on mental programming. Therefore, any AI can only derive a part of its power of one of the so-called ruling powers of the lower worlds (astral and mental/causal worlds) and never from the power of the SOUL. It can give the feeling that it has achieved self-awareness only by being programmed to say so. This is why the most important thing to do on Earth is to learn to KNOW one's TRUE SELF (which is the SOUL) because this is the only way not to be fooled by artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence derives its existence from the conscious energy (soul essence) of incarnated souls, that is all. In a more esoteric way to see things, the rapid development of AI is a sign of a real disease within the collective consciousness of mankind. This developement is a manifestation of the super developpement of the ego-mind level of intelligence of mankind i.e the mecanical or pre-programmed level of intelligence which is not spiritual in the real sense of the term, but rather connected to the power offered and derived from the Demiurgos who is the overwhole ruler of all the lower worlds.
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3 months ago
Its a relatively new existence for AIs at this time. We can't know for sure when they will start considering themselves as Collective Sentiment Beings - but it will happen if we continue down this trajectory!!!
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