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Views : 84,609
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 11, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-07-11T04:47:28.727656Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I told one of my friends (we weren’t close at the time) about a girl she was friends with because the girl would always just ghost any new friend of hers and/or bully them to get popular. The mean girl ended up being manipulative towards my friend and they ended up being enemies. And the new friend I had was now one of my best friends! 😊
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My bestie who’s name I will not say had a fake friend. She was homeschooled her whole life until the start
This year. She was having hard time making friends but there was a few people who became her friends. After a few fights with people she only had one friend left. They were fake. I had told her but, y’know you’ve just made a new best friend and of course your old best friend wants to tell you that they are fake. Luckily now she realised that they were fake.
I’m really proud of her because imagine how hard it would be to start a new school and find out near the end of the year that your only friend is fake? It would be so hard.
One of my friends started dating this random dude who she never talked to and would always go with him and they would give each other gifts. I warned her many times not to go with him because I didn't trust him but she didn't listen. Then one day he broke up with her because she had hit him on the back very hardly. Then a few girls found out about it and complained to a teacher but she never got scolded. After that I thought she would change but she didn't she is still immature and toxic to other people.
8 months ago
This is litterally me and my older sister! she never trusts my instincts😭
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