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It’s okay to have a belly 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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1,417,507 Views • May 15, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 1,417,507
Genre: People & Blogs
Date of upload: May 15, 2024 ^^

Rating : 4.745 (5,068/74,437 LTDR)

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User score: 90.44- Overwhelmingly Positive

RYD date created : 2024-06-29T17:50:15.187364Z
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1 month ago

I’m really skinny person, size S, I eat healthy, I go to the gym 5x per week and I have a lower belly - straight after drinking first glass of water in the morning 🤷🏼‍♀️ I would need to literally starve to get rid of it… Life is too short - I accept this is how my body looks 🙌

4.1K |


1 month ago

I remember a teacher (he was also a dad of two high school girls in our small school) overhearing some girls talk about their "bellies" being too "poochy" back in the 90's. He stopped walking to say women are SUPPOSED have that. His concern was genuine. He kept walking, didn't make a big deal, but it really stuck with me and helped with my poor body image.

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1 month ago

Im not young and my body is changing after childbirth, stress, trauma, health issues… your vids are really precious for all women that need to love their bodies as they are…. And I eat super healthy !

4.1K |


1 month ago

Unfortunately it’s not common sense, but it should be!!! In case you’ve felt pressure to suck in, hide your body, be leaner, drop dress sizes & meet impossible beauty trends… This is your permission to let your normal healthy human body exist, you don’t need to hide it or portray “perfection” — perfection doesn’t exist. ALL (or at least MOST) women have a lower belly bump… We’re more likely to store fat here (& in our hips & thighs) for our overall health, hormones, fertility, it keeps us warm & protects our internal organs. We weren’t born to be just flesh & bone 🥰 Read the pinned comments on my lG: @breeelenehan for more ❤️‍🩹

3.8K |


1 month ago

I am still very skinny but used to be a high level athlete before developing some health issues. Even at my peak fitness I had a small curve to my stomach. I had visible 6 pack and still have a very defined muscular stomach/core and have always had this curve. I saw one male fitness influencer and supposed trainer claim that the majority of women who have that “bump” just have weak pelvic floor muscles which is just not true… you could have the strongest pelvic floor and core muscles in the world and have minimal body fat and STILL have that bump due to the anatomy of your pelvic bones, how the muscles and soft tissues connect, and how your internal organs/uterus are positioned in your body… like common guys, do better.

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1 month ago

Thanks for being an educator on this. I've sucked in my stomach since i was a teen (I'm 37 now) and just these past couple years I'm learning things about my body i never knew and trying to unlearn the shame i was taught to have surrounding my body.

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4 weeks ago

I’m 23, almost 24, leading a slightly less active lifestyle than when I was 18. My body is a bit softer now and I weight about 6 pounds heavier. Already, I feel a sense of panic when I observe these things about myself. My gut reaction tells me to feel ashamed, like I am less than I should or could be. therefore failing. Thank you this message. You have helped me

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1 month ago

I really needed this. I’m not fat but I’m like kinda curvy. And tomorrow I have a family members graduation and I’m wearing a dress so I was stressed about my belly bumping out. This helped a lot, thank you💗

1.5K |


1 month ago

I was ten when someone told me to suck in my gut…struggled with my body image since then. Now I’m in my 30’s and finally trying to let go and let it be.

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1 month ago

I was always underweight with a belly, like always bloated or something. And thought i was "skinny fat". Trying to loose weight while underweight is also called anorexia and is very dangerous 😭 Thanks to you it's becoming easier to focus on health and not looks!

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1 month ago

Also, the belly is feminine and beautiful and has always been considered that. Look at art of women throughout history. The belly has always been considered lovely. It's mainly been put down in very recent history, after fashion magazines and TV in the 2000's tried to convince everyone to get anorexia.

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1 month ago

I’m 57. 😁Old enough to be your mom! Had 2 C-sections. Eat a very healthy 💯% plant based low-fat diet. Am athletic. A Runner 🏃‍♀️. I’m 5’1.5” and weigh 99lbs-101 and have a lower belly bump by the end of most days! ~ LOVE❤this video! THANK YOU!

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1 month ago

Thank you! I’m in ed recovery and the lower belly bump makes my body dysmorphia act up. Even at my most disordered when i was starving myself and you could see all my ribs i still had it!

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1 month ago

These videos of yours have really helped me be at peace with my body. 😭❤️ thank you!

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1 month ago

I literally feel fugly when my stomach sticks out AT ALL. I needed this video. 💕

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1 month ago

I can’t even tell you how much your videos have helped me. I had struggled with disordered eating for roughly 18-20 years. It got really bad when I lost someone so special to me, very suddenly. I never thought I would ever get to where I am today. I grew up looking at magazines with perfect bodies and faces- and TEACHING MYSELF to hate me, just for being me. I’m 38 years old, and I love myself… finally. That being said.. the one thing I still struggle with is looking in a mirror and ALWAYS liking what I see. Personally, the fact that I can look at all and not feel disgust, is a huge win in my book. I’ve come a long way. That being said, as many that have struggled with “Ed in my head” know all too well, the disorder rarely manifests because of weight or appearance.. it’s often something much deeper, darker, and far more destructive. Mine was a form of punishment, feeling undeserving of love. I will always struggle with demons… but the difference is, I now have the tools to cope, and overcome.

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1 month ago

Thank you for continuing to post these videos. Its exhausting to live up to super thin influencers everywhere. I have never had a flat tummy since I hit puberty. My Mom always told me I needed it but its hard when the beauty standard is "thick with a snatched waist" 😭😑 P.s. some of us have longstanding gut balances that contribute to this.

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1 month ago

50 reasons to stay alive: 1. To chase your dreams. 2. To marry the person of your dreams or live with them longer. 3. To use your talents. 4. To improve on what you aren’t good at. 5. To visit another country. 6. To get through this hard time. 7. To volunteer for a good cause. 8. To get a pet or play with one you already have. 9. To see your favorite artist in person. 10. To sit outside under a balcony in a thunderstorm. 11. To enjoy holidays. 12. To walk through the snow. 13. To plant a flower garden. 14. To sleep in on the weekends. 15. To wear your favorite outfit. 16. To go to the beach. 17. To go shopping at your favorite stores. 18. To make a new friend. (It’s never too late!) 19. To eat your favorite meal. 20. To read good books. 21. To watch the birds. 22. To cuddle up in a cozy blanket. 23. To watch good movies. 24. To enjoy summertime. 25. To help someone else. 26. To go skydiving. 27. To learn something new. 28. To see the Eiffel Tower. 29. To watch the sunset. 30. To do your favorite hobby. 31. To pray. 32. To see butterflies. 33. To draw something. 34. To do something impossible. 35. To practice mindfulness. 36. To teach someone something. 37. To decorate your room. 38. To take a long, hot shower. 39. To be yourself without fear of judgement. 40. To laugh. 41. To go on a boat on the ocean. 42. To see what happens next. 43. To write something. 44. To tell people you love them. 45. To see the Statue of Liberty. 46. To drink a cold drink on a hot day. 47. To give and receive gifts. 48. To take a walk. 49. To sing. 50. To play your favorite game. I don’t know why I did this, I just felt like God was telling me that someone would need it. ❤️

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1 month ago

I'm gonna cry, I've been struggling with my lil stomach bump for a loooong time, and I'm trying to love it. but it's been so hard and I recently realized that I am always sucking it in. it feels weird to not and I just felt sad that I felt the need to do that. I've been trying to show myself proof that my stomach is supposed to be like that. this is a really great example, thank you so much <3

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1 month ago

Wish I could show 14 year old me this video! I was obsessed with not having a flat stomach like in the magazines & used to do ab workouts & crunches to no avail 😭 You are doing important work 🙌

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