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2,226 Views β€’ Jan 23, 2023 β€’ Click to toggle off description
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Genre: People & Blogs
Date of upload: Jan 23, 2023 ^^

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YouTube Comments - 80 Comments

Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

1. Establishing my boundaries and enforcing them; not letting her bad behavior slide.

2. Putting myself first. Not looking for a relationship.

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1 year ago

My biggest change was to stop being continuously generous based on the assumption that reciprocity will occur without bargaining for it.

Then I asked myself why I would want someone who I have to bargain with in order to be treated like I'm worth something.

Then I went monk.

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1 year ago

I gave up dating and stopped putting myself out there. The woman I am seeing now said "All of a sudden you seemed so happy". I'm not making this up. Dating is fucking toxic for men.

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1 year ago

Morals, ethics, values and principles

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1 year ago

#1 Realizing that women are not partners nor equals but complements to my life as an accessory.
#2 Maintaining hobbies and regular outings with other male peers and mentors regardless of any of her consternation's.
#3 Checking in with her regularly to reaffirm or address boundaries and expectations.

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1 year ago

I stopped giving a shit and gave up. Helped immensely.

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1 year ago

1. Have boundaries
2. Be honest and firm
3. Act right toward them

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1 month ago

1. Not allowing past relationships to dictate or affect the tone of the new one

2. Showcasing my ability to walk away / showcasing contentment in being alone

3. Not being head over heels in love (which i believe make women see you as more reliable and emotionally stable)

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1 year ago

Attitude never played into it. I had a great attitude for years, didn't make any difference at all.

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1 year ago

1. Stop looking
2. Make yourself the priority
3. Improve yourself

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1 year ago

β€’ Being uncompromising when it comes to my values.
β€’ Not avoiding conflicts of any sort.
β€’ Dedication to compassion and nonviolent communication (NVC).

For me it's the nonviolent warrior mindset.

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1 year ago

1. Realizing their just temps, not capable of relating or intimate connection.
2. Realizing number 1, was my worst fear and was also true.
3. Realizing what was offered was not for me, and what I desired was a fantasy.
4. Realizing that hope is a four letter word and moved on with my life to indifference rather than hate.
Almost 20 years now and I realize that those have been the best of my life, unfortunately it took too long to realize reality, but live and learn and I've paid for my lessons. So no regrets

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1 year ago

1. Indifference towards everyone.
2. Social pattern recognition.
3. Knowing when to walk away.



1 year ago

Never chase, for most of the time you will always end up second place.

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1 year ago

Telling the truth, or at least, not lying.

Being willing to apologize for mistakes but unwilling to apologize for things I didn't do.

Am I disqualified there because I ended up with a guy?

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1 year ago

1. Boundaries and not allowing anyone to breach

2. Prioritizing my health first

3. I do not allow myself to be baited into agreeing with something that goes against my values

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1 year ago

First of all stop looking for a woman, once I stopped everything become easy. And then she appeared at my door just like that. I stopped seeking, put myself first and put my house in order, idk maybe we need to be selfish and look for ourselves then if you have te time let a woman in your life, if you want to

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1 year ago

Look πŸ‘€ after number 1!



1 year ago

1) Making a conscious effort to be positive, not always defaulting to "stoic" and stone-faced. Being more upbeat and lightening the F up brought me several new friends and intimate partners
Do take yourself seriously but not too seriously, especially with women. They just want to have fun... supposedly.

2) Demonstrating a track record of walking away from problem people. The "Alright then. All the best." has changed how other people evaluate my attention and investment in them; which is made crystal clear through their actions. You're treated better when you have good self-esteem, enough that others know you would sooner move along than have your boundaries violated. Be ready to meet and invest in new people.
Guys having 1, 2 friends (or gfs) "since high school" normally shows the inverse of this.

3) Speaking up when a spade is clearly a spade. Discretion can be the better part of valour... but having the courage to put a pin in something right as it happens, in lieu of silence followed by rumination and anxiety demonstrates maturity and stability.
It's normal for sane, reasonable people to be conflict averse and we usually catastrophise our impending social challenges, however rarely is that the case if we have courage to take the initiative.

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9 months ago

Super hard/strong boundaries. Stick to your values no matter what. Men have to learn not give the benefit of doubt any longer. It’s not a viable course of action.

No relationship is better than a toxic relationship.

Red flags. Good men need to tune into red flags. Past and present behaviour is a huge indicator of future behaviour. If you listen and observe these women will tell on themselves. Almost like a low key flex.

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