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Views : 9,379
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 26, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-05-02T18:50:32.396385Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
There's no doubt Austin worked hard for his spot. But the guy was also just born with a charisma that was meant for superstardom. He looked like a badass, talked like a badass and wrestled like a badass. He built a persona of being the toughest S.O.B in the business, while still able to make us laugh when need be.
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He's not saying he created the gimmick, hopefully nobody but Steve is saying bc everyone but him would be wrong,what they did,as Russi states here i give him the tool which was tv time to talk, another fun fact in case some don't know is that he the ringmaster name from being called a master in the ring bc when Vince was being told about him everyone was saying "he's damn good in the ring, he's a master at his craft" etc...but the original concept for the "Stone Cold" character was serial killer style, have a mean vibe so to speak ,i think it worked on me i didn't think killer specifically but the look he'd in his eyes was an intimidating one,but yeah Steve was given the green light... nobody created his character
11 months ago
This is an imposter. There wasn't 500 bros in that statement
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