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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 22, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
My husband and I are working so hard at our jobs right now to save and progress his career so that when we buy a home we can afford for me to quit my office job and start my dream career of being a stay at home wife and mother. I really appreciate having a space on the internet where other women aspire to the same things that I do
1.1K |
I was a traditional wife and my wonderful husband and children were always happy and our home was a haven. My relationship with my husband was wonderful and such a blessing. We had an epoch love. We were in the honeymoon stage for 23 years he recently went home to be with Jesus but he fought so hard to stay with us to his last breath. I loved being a traditional wife.
1K |
All I can say is that any woman who is dedicated to caring for her family is a keeper, hands down. I'm so appreciative of my wife. She's an incredible mom, she takes care of business and tackles everything, everyday while making it look easy. I'm always praising her for her efforts and competence. She's getting a vacation to Hawaii this year, and I'm giving her the tickets on her birthday. She's a queen to me, so she gets the best I can provide. One happy man.
750 |
People shouldn’t condemn women wanting to be a stay at home wife the same as people shouldn’t condemn women wanting to have a career. As long as the wife isn’t being trapped financially by her spouse, she chose it, and she is in a reciprocating, loving and respectful relationship, who cares. As a feminist, my first concern is the safety and well-being of women. As long as she’s happy, who cares what she’s doing.
18 |
There's always someone who has something negative to say about women regardless of their path in life. "She wants to be a housewife and mother, that means she's lazy and worth nothing". Or "She wants to have a career to educate herself and give her family a thriving means to live, she's careless and terrible at mothering."
Women should be empowered to do what makes them happy. Being a housewife isn't lazy, being a working woman isn't loveless. Both require strong women. This is it and I love that!
219 |
Im 62 and been a Traditional wife and Mom for 41 years. Never had one regret, never will. I wouldn't have done it any other way. My 34 year old son is single and said he would blessed to find a woman who would be happy to stay home and raise a family on a ful time basis. I hope and pray 🙏it comes to be for him
24 |
My friend is now like this, I worked with her at a theme park, she met her husband who now owns a big construction company, they now have two kids and she loves being at home keeping everything spotless and making meals, she actually admitted that she feels in control of the whole house & dictates what goes where, her husband is too tired to notice and just loves being able to relax when he gets into a clean well kept house
11 |
1 year ago
Women should be able to do what makes them happy... even if that includes following traditional roles
5.6K |