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Views : 6,158
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 15, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-07-18T18:18:02.065756Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
They didn't waste it. Saying this is a waste of money is like saying building LAX was a waste of money, a mistake many people make when it comes to infrastructure spending. Being finished it's still a highspeed rail line, not the hyperloop, which is just Elon Musk's way to push individual cars instead of trains, it was never meant to even work.
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I would agree that failed is a bad word, since it hasn't even begun service. The only way a poject fails is if it either stops being built (witch is not the case on ca hsr) or doesnt break even after a certain amount of time. This poject has hit nither of those and lots of people still support its construction. Its not a failure. Nore is it a waste. Thats to be decied after its done. Before saying something like this do your research.
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6 months ago
anti rail propaganda here. build a line once and have a railway for ever. I bet James Dean wished he had caught the train
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