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9,432 Views • Jun 21, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 21, 2024 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


8 months ago

Maybe as a man it might work but as a woman who has no dog in this fight I assume being in stealth mode brings peace for solo women traveling.

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5 months ago

I called several businesses and churches and they agreed to let me sleep in there parking lots at night. I also called the local police department and they let me sleep in an empty gravel lot next to the police station. I feel better asking and not just showing up at places. There is not much street parking in rural West Virginia.

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8 months ago

Well if you were a single woman you might want to be stealthy because you want to protect your safety

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1 week ago

You tell them Scott! You are incredibly sweet, honest and upfront. Stay the way you are my friend 👍



8 months ago

I like your perspective. I think it's a refreshing point of view. Having watched you for years, I don't remember you ever getting middle of the night police visitors, so clearly it works.

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8 months ago

That's good scott on the west coast I'm glad you're comfortable and the residents are okay with it as well. Keep cooking good food my friend

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6 months ago

True but if you're just starting out and you're scared to death of everything and you just need to gain some confidence ❤

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8 months ago

Good point, but as others have mentioned, the area may be what decides the best choice. Just stay safe out there Scott, I enjoy your content.

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8 months ago

if you are stealth that means you are trying to hide something????? really???? i thought it was for safety reasons 🤦🏽‍

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8 months ago

Stealth is a very conversational opinionated topic, but now a days you can hardly be stealth anymore because sleeping in a vehicle is commonplace. That's the one downer about van life, finding the next less bothersome place to park for the night...take care and until the next one !!

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8 months ago

"Survey says"....west coast is chillin.....east is illin.....and in between, check your local listin

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1 month ago

I always wondered why people emphasize the “importance to be stealth!”…. I thought, “Is it illegal to live in your car or van?”… I’m glad you’re open about it! Are you still in Seattle? I’ve lived here my whole life! 😊



8 months ago

That works okay on the West coast but it’s a whole different story on the East coast! If you are advertising it maybe good to keep the thief’s away but with the police it’s like leaning into a punch in most of the East and definitely North East!

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8 months ago

Except for in the numerous cities across the United States where you're not allowed to live in a van. That is why people typically hide because inherently what they're doing is not anything but frowned upon by certain cities

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6 months ago

"stealth" has become a buzz word a lot of people use it to "sound cool" when in fact the word they need to be using is discrete or discretion, they think that calling it stealth sounds more edgy, when in fact that if you do you and call unnecessary attention to yourself, no one really cares, don't fire up the grill in Walmart parking lot or take a shower in the corner of the Walmart parking lot (Nomadic fanatic) and you will be fine, treat it the same as you would be a good neighbor if you were living in a sticks and bricks and most people won't even notice, or care what you are doing.



7 months ago

Exactly, you are not doing anything wrong. Enjoy your Life.



8 months ago

No point in stealth, in the 1st place once you see that rooftop fan or solar=dead give away right there & Almost all van lifers have that set up.

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6 months ago

The only reason to be stealth, is if you are driving your van to work or want to hide that u live in your van. The whole stealth thing is dumb unless you don't want people to know you live in your van



4 days ago

For me Stealth Camping is because I dont want to pay for caravan parks and I park up at the beach at night, where there are $250+ fines if the ranger catches you, Im always up and gone by 5:30am for a surf 😂 I dont live In a van, its just for camping/ surf trips.
(Western Australia



8 months ago

I love the way you think.


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