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Views : 9,432
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 21, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-06-22T05:28:28.799617Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I called several businesses and churches and they agreed to let me sleep in there parking lots at night. I also called the local police department and they let me sleep in an empty gravel lot next to the police station. I feel better asking and not just showing up at places. There is not much street parking in rural West Virginia.
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"stealth" has become a buzz word a lot of people use it to "sound cool" when in fact the word they need to be using is discrete or discretion, they think that calling it stealth sounds more edgy, when in fact that if you do you and call unnecessary attention to yourself, no one really cares, don't fire up the grill in Walmart parking lot or take a shower in the corner of the Walmart parking lot (Nomadic fanatic) and you will be fine, treat it the same as you would be a good neighbor if you were living in a sticks and bricks and most people won't even notice, or care what you are doing.
8 months ago
Maybe as a man it might work but as a woman who has no dog in this fight I assume being in stealth mode brings peace for solo women traveling.
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