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Is This Gear Overrated?
 60 FPS video
51,706 Views • Jan 31, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
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License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 31, 2024 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

Will never forget when my friend did 3 runs and got all 3 pieces of Zeus gear...

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1 year ago

The thing I like about farming the gear is that it’s a nice little prelude to the rest of arc one if you farm out the gear or even just a few pieces.

The wand is a 100% must but even just grinding a few pieces is a nice little break between leveling sessions

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1 year ago

I agree just get sky iron and then play it a few more times to see if you get any senator's stuff then be on your merry way

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1 year ago

Its the fact that the final fantasy 13 music is playing in the background and watching a video on wizard 101 theres so much nostalgia in this video

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1 year ago

i came back to my level 46 stuck in mooshu questing, starting main questing and did water works.. got 2 amulet masteries (storm and fire) then got water works death set soon after now im currently level 73 love coming back to w101

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1 year ago

Realistically, no gear is a requirement... Are they nice, does it make it easier? Yeah... But i had a friend enter lvl 100 storm off of bazaar gear because she refused to grind tedious fights

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1 year ago

I remember the amulet of divine was so rare, I got it and didn’t even know I had it cause it went to my shared bank.

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17 hours ago

shoutout to my friend Jay, dude knows a great co-op strategy for speedrunning the eagles AND the fights. he carried me through several runthroughs of the dungeon for my main wiz, 5 hastas later i got enough gear to breeze through arc 1 :D



2 weeks ago

Bro by the time I manage to GET that shit I no longer need it cause Mt Olympus is hard as hell 😂😂

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1 year ago

30-60 zeus
60-100 ww
100-160 darkmoor
160- aeon

For people that don't feel like grinding for every single new upgrade

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9 months ago

I usually try to at least get full senator but this is so true. I remember doing just fine in mooshu with bazaar gear a decade ago, I’m pretty sure a lot of the early game bosses (or at least quest requirements) have been nerfed since then, this memory was before the hasta was released (or before I knew about it)

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6 months ago

Yeah no gear is “necessary” in wizard101, that’s not how you gauge gear, it’s an MMO, the goal is to minmax IF you care. When it comes to this set, the main considerations are the time it takes to farm and the time until your next major gear set, and in this case, your next major gear set is waterworks if you ignore crafting. The time it takes to get this gearset obviously varies, but the fight is pretty solved. It’s a worthwhile set to obtain considering you’ll have 30 levels with it (ignoring crafting again)

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9 months ago

It's really worth it, took me two days to get the set & wand.

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1 year ago

I have soloed up to Azteca using Zeus gear with a damage/resist pet.

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6 months ago

It goes like this: sky iron-> then level till you can do water works and get that gear -> level till 100 and do mallistare for everything.



6 months ago

I got Zeus armor my first time fighting him lmao I literally had no idea what it was until I got older and understood how stats worked



3 months ago

I was already overleveled for the zeus gear when Olympus was released



4 weeks ago

Honestly depends on the school. "Meta" is such a wishy-washy thing because there are 7 schools which each have their own needs.

Solo questing on storm, you ABSOLUTELY need Zeus gear. You're going to be fizzling constantly and every single mob in the game can two-shot you if you're not careful. Securing a kill with high accuracy gear is very important. If you're running shitty bazaar gear, you're entering each fight in oneshot range and putting yourself at a massive disadvantage compared to if you just bit the bullet and ran Mount Olympus a few times. Even the much more common senator's gear can shave several hours off of your run, especially if you're new.

Then with Waterworks and stuff, it also depends on the school. Personally I sometimes run the Waterworks robe and boots with the Poseidon helmet because of the extra crit. If you run just waterworks on storm, you'll crit about.... 0.00001% of the time. Sub in one piece of Poseidon gear and you crit like 100% of the time and have a ton more health at the expense of not having as much resist. At the end of Avalon is when you can start subbing out the sky iron hasta for certain fights. I personally run the sword of kings because the much higher crit rate makes up for the 10% damage boost. I'd rather have like 20% universal damage and crit 100% of the time than have 30% and crit exactly never. But it comes down to preference.



4 months ago

I would say this. If you are looking for something that will get you through wintertusk at an early level, it is worthwhile. Otherwise, just run it twice for hasta/xp and then upgrade at lvl 50 (or barking ham at 40 if you're feeling spicy)



5 months ago

In my current playthrough, I had either Zeus or senator gear after 3 runs. The only reason I ran through Mt Olympus more was to min max stats and for gold. It's not a big ask to run through it a handful of times, since a lot of higher lvl wizards will help you


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