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Views : 187
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 3, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The saddest thing is everyone who’s made the most money with Vince. McMahon does not have the balls to even say he’s the greatest promoter of all times because of the personal mistakes he has made Tony Atlas is the only one who had the balls to say the truth, that’s sad, I personally don’t condone any events McMahons behavior when it comes to degrading a woman sexually. That being said we would not be watching sports entertainment on the level. We are consuming it if it was not for him all pro wrestling that exist today is because of his brainchild, and you cannot erase a man from history because of his personal flaws or crimes. If we want to be honest with ourselves, we would have to erase George Washington in every American president, vice president and popular cult of personality that we have ever enjoyed living vicariously through and we should never be, so scared to speak the truth you don’t have to hate the human being. You only have to hate the behavior. There is a difference and none of us are perfect. If you are, I would love to meet you.
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He's legacy is he changed the business and modernized it to the point that it provided a great platform for superstars like Hogan and Austin to take the business where they did, he made a lot of good and horrible business decisions along the way, mostly bad after the year 2000 and his greed and hunger for power consumed and changed who he was as a person
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3 months ago
Tony Atlas saying it like it is 👍
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