51 Views • Jul 6, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
Foragen Seeds Pvt Ltd, a Global Forage Seed Company which provides the quality assured fodder for healthy growth of dairy animals resulting in profitable dairy farming.It is expertise in research, seed production and marketing world wide. It is recognized as India's No.1 forage seed producer, with 12000 MT seed production in 8 different fodder crops.Foragen produces more than 12,000Mt seed in a year which is incidentally the highest forage production in India by any single company.Foragen has diversified into seed business like production for specific brands,bulk seed production,govt seed production and customized seed production.Foragen is supplying to state seed corporations and state govt subsidy programs.Certified seed production is one of its greatest strengths.After winning over the domestic market the company is now focusing on export business.Foragen is making way into innovative technologies in fodder seed and fodder production technologies focusing on quality in every stage of the supply chain.Foragen licenses new fodder crops and products from different govt.Agencies and institutes.The company is setting up world class research and development centre to develop new hybrids in fodder crops.
Foragen produces more than 12,000Mt seed in a year which is incidentally the highest forage production in India by any single company.Foragen have 5 exclusive processing plants with 18,000MT seed processing and packing facilities.Foragen is crowned as the first 100%solar power run seed processing plant in India.Experienced and skilled teams are planning and blazing a path of producing timely quality forage products.
India is World's largest milk producer (176.35 million tonne production in 2017-18) with very high livestock incidence. Indian Dairy Industry practise convectional methods of animal feeding like grazing, Cut and feed and stall feeding. Due to different cropping systems and predominant food crop farming, dairy industry faces a deficit of 25% to 60% green fodder and dry fodder. The available fodder is very low in digestibility and nutrition values. To bridge this gap in fodder deficit, there is a need to provide a sustain the dairy industry.
For economically viable, nutritions and digestible fodder production the first prerequisite would be abundant availability of quality fodder seed. with this objective, Foragen seeds pvt. Ltd. has researched, tested and identified world class fodder seeds for the dairy farmers, across various forage crops to suit diverse geological, environmental, economic and cultural patterns worldwide.
Timely availability of quality fodder seed to the farmers is the biggest concern in India. Foragen product portfolio focuses on the best nutrition to the dairy animals for milk production. Forage fodder solution focus on cost effective balanced diet for animals' Wholistic development. The company provides seed, seed technology, Fodder production and fodder conversation technologies for dairy farming. Foragen seeds crops are suitable for rainfed,irrigated ,summer,winter or spring season.The products are planned to provide green fodder ,quality hay,dry fodder and silage.The identified seed and technologies focus on high protein,high energy and the best digestible fiber fodder crop with international quality standards.
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Genre: Pets & Animals
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 6, 2022 ^^
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Jammu main 1786 master variety lagai hai