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Views : 530,837
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 13, 2023 ^^
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Rating : 4.929 (333/18,481 LTDR)
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RYD date created : 2024-05-18T14:16:05.590766Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Her husband must be really good. Here in my country, if the wife is a housewife/homemaker, husbands say "Its easy to cook and raise children. You are living off me."
But then again when the wife starts a job, then he complains "working women are not good for home. You should only take care of family and children."
This is almost every house i know here. Only two men i know here respects the hardwork their wifes do at home.
I have zero idea how to survive here at this point.
58 |
After so many failed attempts at careers, it does come across that her becoming a "tradwife" happened because nothing else worked out for her, not because that's what she always wanted. My aunt is a housewife and happy, but that's because she fell in love, had a bunch of children, and that's how life worked out really well for her. It seems like from her description, being a tradwife was a plan E after plans A, B, C, and D fell through.
53 |
1 year ago
Some people still don't seem to realize what is really going on. She tried breaking into the entertainment business through modeling, reality tv and acting and it didn't work. Don't you get it? She's now an influencer and building up her fanbase and online business by making content about the tradwife lifestyle. It takes work to think up what subject to film, film it and edit these things. You do realize that's part of how influencers make their money, right? And it's great, it's a smart move of hers, but some people in the comments seem to really think that she only serves her husband and nothing else. She's more than just an extention of her husband and some don't even seem to realize that.
3.2K |