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Views : 116,311
Genre: Film & Animation
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 19, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
And the more attractive the woman, the less trustworthy they tend to be. Funny little world, ain't it?
EDIT: I'm surprised there are people legitimately misunderstanding this simple concept. I absolutely should not have to simplify this even further, but I'll say this just for those who don't get it: the more INTENTIONALLY attractive the woman, the less trustworthy they tend to be, because 9 out of 10, they're incredibly vain and full of themselves.
And to address daniellenm395's self-boosting and pointless response: I'm actually very happily married to a woman that chooses not to rely on caking her face in powder just to make herself attractive to others. In my eyes, she absolutely does NOT need it, and THAT is what I find attractive.
(I'm sure there'll STILL be people that get pissy about this either way, so I'll just end this with: beauty is in the eye of the beholder at the end of the day. Just be cautious with it.)
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Yeah because attractive people don't do more horrible things to people all the time compared to average dudes just because they can get away with it and because people are easily replaceable in their world view...
You are more likely to be hurt by an attractive person than an average guy but your female bias says that fine because he seems like he got everything handled you just don't want to admit you will be 'handled' too.
45 |
5 months ago
Jeremy’s Razors are now on Amazon Prime! Check out the link in my bio (or link below) to receive 15% at checkout.
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