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9.9. Check if you can find it in the Bible. Top 6 Fake Beliefs. #pastorjerryduvall #bible #church
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7,385 Views • Jul 17, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
“The Heart of Revelation” is a Free Online Bible Course.

📍 BibleCompass.Online or
📍 NixaBibleStudy.com
invited you for a journey through the Bible.

Lesson 9.

NixaBibleStudy.com invites you to embark on a journey through the Bible.

Here, you will find incredible discoveries and clear answers from the Bible questions such as,

Why does evil exist in the world and when will it end?
What is Armageddon?
Will there be a third world war?
When will the end of the world be?
Is there eternal life and what does it look like?
Where do people's souls go after death?
How to make a covenant with God and live under His protection?
Does God have clean and unclean food for us?
Where did evil come from?
Where does God live?
Why were sacrifices made to God?
How to speak to God correctly?
Why did Christ die and rise again?
Does God have a permanent law for us?
Who is the Antichrist?
Can the church make mistakes?
How to read the Bible to understand God?
What sin cannot be forgiven by God?
Is there a temple in heaven?
How to understand the number 666?
Is there meaning in prophetic time periods and what do they point to?
How to earn eternal life?
Where to find the secret of eternal youth?

And many other interesting questions you will find when studying the free lessons of “Exploring The Heart of Revelation” Online Bible Course.

✅ Plan to know God more, to hear His voice, and to receive forgiveness and salvation for true, eternal life on the new eart
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License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 17, 2024 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


6 months ago

Who will be saved as in the days of Noah? Only those that walk with Christ. Satan and his deceptions will win many Souls unfortunately that will be a fact at the end of time. Jesus does save but you must choose to be saved you must choose to follow him you must choose to surrender to him. Those that choose to be of the world and walk away from Christ will be lost. The Bible is clear that your name will be blotted out are the Book of Life for transgressions. The issue is choice. We all have a choice to make and we will live and die will be saved and Lost based on that choice.

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6 months ago

Pray for this Soul and for the people he is misleading. 😢

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6 months ago

Catholic do not worship the Saints. We honor the Saints. Praying the Rosery, The Rosery reflects the Life of Jesus Christ from his Birth, Life, Resurrection, and Ascension. Praying for the dead is because the body is dead but the Soul lives on in Heaven. As for The Pope is the successor of Saint Peter the Rock which Jesus said to Peter Feed My sheep three times. As for The Holy Water, Saint Paul was Baptisting People with The Holy water even Jesus Christ Baptist in the Holy water. You're a deceiver denying the church and it's Mass of Jesus Christ.

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6 months ago

“To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant” is a well-known quote from Cardinal John Henry Newman

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6 months ago

I agree. Pray everyone listens. Deception is real!! JESUS alone!!!



6 months ago

1. No one worships Saints. There is a prayer to Sarah by Abraham in Genesis.
2. The words of the Hail Mary are found in Lukes Gospel and Paul tells us to “pray unceasingly” so repetitive prayer is allowed
3. 2 Maccabees
4. Not Biblical
5. Not Biblical, but there is an intermediary state between death and Heaven/Hell. Soul sleep is bot biblical
6. When Christ was baptized in the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were made Holy. This same event happens at the feast of Christs baptism called Theophany

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6 months ago

Jesus loves you and we all need to love each other ❤



6 months ago

Demons don't like Holy Water, it burns them- strange that.

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6 months ago

The Bible wasn't in the Bible until that church put it together. Weird huh.

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6 months ago

When the disciples disagree with each other, where in the Bible did it say to start their know church

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6 months ago

How old is your church? Oh? A newly founded one? On whose authority? Yourself? So you’re your own Pope? Have you studied church history? Do you know who is the church father? Who compiled the Bible?

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6 months ago

Also christmas and baptising children



6 months ago

This brother will soon cone to whole truth



6 months ago

God give him eyes so he can see



6 months ago

Because when you cant talk to a god you get to make up anything. Hence so many conflicting beliefs. And the simple answer we struggle to avoid.



6 months ago

Also fasting is clearly mentioned in the Bible, old and new testament. Never heard of it in 15 years catholic church. Also celebrating on the 24 December was forbidden for hundreds of years because it is a pegan festival



6 months ago

I'll bet you have done 0 studies into the reasoning of the church's teachings. Protestants love to say "if I can't find it in the bible, it's simply not true"......this is the error of being sola scriptura.... The Catholic (universal) Church doesn't simply make beliefs up out of nowhere, but you'd never know or understand this because you'll never take the time to study or investigate it.

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6 months ago

And what about the tradition of the apostle, disciples,etc.



6 months ago

So if Protestants accept other modern day (Protestant) prophets then isn’t that acknowledging that there’s teachings outside of their Bible??

So then what’s the problem with Catholics who have adopted practices which are not always directly from the Catholic Bible? The Rosary is in the Bible when Angel Gabriel said to Mary, “Hail Mary”


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