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Views : 4,297
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 12, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-08-22T22:05:32.220624Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Another defamation of the shaman, what a surprise. And another explanation from me where I have to say that you're not using him correctly.
Imagine having a divine caster who can use shortbows, of which there are plenty in BG2, but you use him as a melee.... 😑
Strength is just for carrying stuff and you can go full on physical attributes with shamans, cause they don't have a caster stat, it's pretty solid to have this on a class. Having a half-orc shaman doesn't mean you should melee with him. Getting critted now and then, which should be an extremely rare occasion for a backliner, isn't a problem at all.
Whats more... If you equip this item while spirits have already been summoned, they'll get the buff and they'll even keep the buff if you remove it/replace it with something else
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5 months ago
+2 thac0 on class that doesn't even melee woo!
+1 thaco and damage for already underwhelming summons woo!
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