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 60 FPS video
33,457 Views • Mar 16, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
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   / @wikiacolors  

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~||Background music is from Epidemic Sound and/or Phoqus, the main music composer of Paradoxum Games. It may also be from a playlist that I have uploaded.||~

   / @officialphoqus  
   • [UPDATED] The WikiaColors Soundtrack ...  

~||What is Tower Defense Simulator?||~
Tower Defense Simulator is a Roblox game made by Paradoxum Games created on the 5th of June 2019 and officially released on the 15th of June 2019. It involves players teaming up with one another to fighting waves of different enemies until they either are overrun or triumph that particular map. Players gain cash by damaging enemies and from wave bonuses, which can subsequently be invested in buying new towers or upgrading existing ones. There is also a Versus mode where other players can team up to face down another team. In this instance, players can send enemies. Once players are defeated or triumph, they gain EXP, which is used to level up, and Coins, which can be used to purchase new towers.
You can play Tower Defense Simulator here: www.roblotwitter.com/games/3260590327/Tower-Defense-Simu…
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 33,457
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Mar 16, 2023 ^^

warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.958 (12/1,132 LTDR)

98.95% of the users lieked the video!!
1.05% of the users dislieked the video!!
User score: 98.42- Masterpiece Video

RYD date created : 2024-05-27T10:10:57.279723Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

For anyone who dosen't know: The Protest is about workers demanding better pay. They only recieved a small amount of salary every day/week/month. According to news, workers quit almost a 100 every week. That's why they protest to get a better pay.

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1 year ago

such banger tds content

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1 year ago

Me: “welcome to my home!
My home:…

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1 year ago

hi non-brits, here's context: teachers in the UK have been forced to take an about 15% real pay cut in their wages in the middle of inflation and energy prices and a cost of living crisis: so they're on strike, as are a lot of public service workers like health workers and nurses and doctors and train drivers etc, because the government isn't paying them enough to live on for how hard they work. the minister of education refuses to begin negotiations, so um, we might be in this for a while.

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1 year ago

This remind me of the manifestations on france that has been during a month because they want to push back the year of retirement for 2 more years

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1 year ago

Sunak can't be PM anymore, since his government is making more trouble for employees. Each day is the protest in London



1 year ago

I was casually walking near Westminster and there was a Brexit Protest in 2018-2019. VERY AVERAGE.

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1 year ago

Can't even ride on a bus in London 💀🇬

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1 year ago

New sleadger skin be hitting different



1 year ago

People think wasting people's time and money is going to solve anything

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1 year ago

Nah they get paid enough those teachers

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1 year ago

Can someone tell me whats happening? I still don't understand because the captions are covered a bit

Edit: OK I get it now

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1 year ago

maid commander: this is going chaos😅

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1 year ago

the lucky bastards that got to see wikia's face:



1 year ago

Most normal and civilized day in london:

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1 year ago

UK has just turned into a mess in the last 10 years

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1 year ago

this is your average day in london



1 year ago

Only in London:

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1 year ago

Power to the people! 👍

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