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0143ab93_videojs8_1563605_YT_2d24ba15 licensed under gpl3-or-later
Views : 143,362
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 6, 2023 ^^
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Rating : 4.996 (7/6,556 LTDR)
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User score: 99.83- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-06-28T15:56:58.616517Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Quick! I need your help! The neighborhood, Circle K Ranch is dying dramatically! If you decide on joining, you will immediately be blown away by our generous welcome! We might donate anything from a couple jugs of milk to land deeds, because some of us are very kind! We do these things because we just want to have a great time playing Hay Day. Thank you for your time.
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Quick! I need your help! The neighborhood, Circle K Ranch is dying dramatically! 😱If you decide on joining, you will immediately be blown away by our generous welcome! We might donate anything from a couple jugs of milk to land deeds, because some of us are very kind! 💕We do these things because we all want everyone to have a great time playing Hay Day. Circle K Ranch usually gets third place in the derby because we all do our tasks, but we do not have enough people to get first place.🏆If you joined our neighborhood and did your derby tasks, Circle K Ranch will most likely get a derby score higher than 2000, and we could dominate the rookie league lol.🐴 Thank you for your t
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مرحبا اريد ان اقترح تطورا ومن حقنا كلاعبين الارض اللي منكدر نستغلها بسبب ادوات التوسيع اللي صعب الحصول عليها لو سمحتوا نريد ننظفها فقط نقتلع الاشجار الزائده ونتخلص من الاوساخ فقط لان امر التوسيع يحتاج وقتا طويلا نريد فقط التنظيف وان كانت مغلقه ولا نستطيع استخدامها لكن نظيف وخاليه من الاشجار اللي عددها كثير جدا ارجو اخذ الموضوع بنظر الاعتبار ❤
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1 year ago
We need weather changings in farm like night/day/rain/just like the snow and sunny day it would be so cool ✨
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