I know what you’ve been told
❌ Your estrogen is low
❌ Your LH is low
❌ You Progesterone is low
And while knowing your numbers is an important part of getting to the bottom of your fertility issues, not many women give enough guidance on what they can actually DO about it!
🤷🏽♀️ You might be told to eat more and gain weight
I would be willing to bet you’re already doing that but still struggling with a missing or irregular period 👇🏼
So how do you ACTUALLY increase your hormones to levels that will get your body ovulating again?
🩸Getting your period back and healing from Hypothalamic Amenorrhea is all about energy availability and saftey.
It’s really hard for your brain to send proper signals to your reproductive organs to say “hey! Let’s make a baby” when it thinks it’s going through a famine or a world war.
While in reality, these things may not be going on that very well may be what your body feels due to the years of under eating and extreme amount of exercise it’s been subjected to.
Restoring your fertility takes a specific plan that helps to bring your body back into balance by
✅ Increasing energy availability
✅ Decreasing stress hormones
✅ Finding your body’s unique fertile weight
✅ Addressing underlying stressors (like control and body image)
Rest assured, getting your period back is FULLY possible for you 🫶🏻
If you feel like you’ve been working on this forever and nothing is working, I got you.
💫Clients following my proven Food Freedom Fertility®️ method see natural cycles return in about 8 weeks on average.
🤰🏼From there, over 80% go on to to get pregnant completely naturally despite being told they need fertility treatment.
‼️Are you serious about restoring your fertility so you can be pregnant by the end of the summer?‼️
💬 Follow me on Instagram (@food.freedom.fertility) and drop me a message to receive information on how to join my coaching program. 🙌🏼
#fertilitydietitian #lowprogesterone #lowestrogen #periodrecovery #infertilitysupport
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