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Views : 5,568
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 15, 2022 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Op doesn’t say what the kid did so we have no idea whether canceling the birthday party is warranted or not. But kids DO sometimes do things that totally deserve party cancellation providing the party is close to the time they misbehaved. We really can’t call it without knowing what the kid did.
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There isn't enough information for me personally. They didn't say what they did, if this was a thing they did often, what they've even tried about these behavioral issues, they didn't say what the behavioral issues are meaning it's possible that they aren't actually behavioral issues and are just problems that aren't ok, they didn't say very much in the way of context, and plenty more. To me, there is only so many things that warrant 4 days of basically house arrest as punishment, a lot of things would have things that should have much more punishment than that and even more that aren't that serious. One of my siblings also did something that ended with them getting their birthday canceled as well as punishment along with other punishment. Looking back, it made sense for that to be the punishment but seemed a bit extreme at the time.
TLDR: Not enough info, you can't really say NTA or YTA because there is barely anything to go off of.
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You do NOT cancel a child's birthday party. You do NOT ground them the day of their birthday. You let them have the party & ungrounded for that day. Just add the day back once the birthday is over. Example 2 days before the birthday grounding is set. In house arrest 2 days before then 2 days after.
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the punishment should match the crime, but OP isn't not their ex's boss, he should have a say in punishments and rewards, neither parent should be dictating terms to the other, negotiating something they both can agree on would be the best way to coparent but thats often times a big part of why people break up in the first place. being dominant, unreasonable and not being able to negotiate some kind of common ground. thats just my 2 cents.
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2 years ago
Instructions not clear, got karened
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