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6,114 Views • May 28, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
Active Mormons are dedicated to misunderstanding exmormons because they are told over and over again to ignore what they say and focus on their testimonies. Best to just move on. #god #exmo #mormon #understanding #prophet #exmormon
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Views : 6,114
Genre: News & Politics
Date of upload: May 28, 2024 ^^

Rating : 4.935 (4/242 LTDR)

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RYD date created : 2024-05-30T07:58:41.570548Z
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YouTube Comments - 60 Comments

Top Comments of this video!! :3


4 weeks ago

Basic cult teachings. Don't associate with anyone not in the cult.

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4 weeks ago

For such a simple, logical & concise point - it's amazing how much turmoil millions go through trying to get their Mormon family to see them as normal

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3 weeks ago

That’s literally Hamas and the whole mess going in in the Middle East

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3 weeks ago

TBM can’t see their reflection when a mirror is held up to them

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4 weeks ago

You can lead a horse to water,but you cant make it drink...also, i can expalin it to you,but i cant understand it for you

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3 weeks ago

I’ve a biology degree I’ve got the same issue with creationist science deniers

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3 weeks ago

As an ex-mormon and an atheist, i certainly understand your position. It's like the quote by Jonathan Swift, "You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself into in the first place." However, at some point, you and I both saw the absurdity of the belief. That's because at some we both insisted on using reason and logic to evaluate our beliefs. They haven't learned to do that yet. That's why the conversation is important.

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4 weeks ago

Absolute bullseye! When someone places their eternal faith in Smithers from the Simpsons, there truly is no showing them otherwise. No matter how obvious. When Smithers speaks, the thinking has been done. I know I’ve heard that somewhere.

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3 weeks ago

When I was in 1st grade, I went to Sunday school w my bff. They taught us it was v bad that our teacher was black.

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2 weeks ago

The slow, condescending cadence with which Mormon leaders speak is creepy AF!!!

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3 weeks ago

We are not attacking the church we are telling the truth in which the church should have done long before the September 6th was excommunicated. The blame is not on the ones who leave it's those who are gaslighting and not being honest. I'm from the old school LDS religion all the golden rules and the ten commandments still apply The sermon on the Mount message. Oh and I also believe in obeying the law and like the leaders of today.

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4 weeks ago

Nelson needs to retire

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3 weeks ago

Any religion that tries to control you is false because if it was the truth, you would come back to the same conclusion. Even though you ventured and explored other truths, when something is the truth, they don't need to control you or make you afraid. Because the truth will not be changed. So to all the people who are believing this man who is a human? I don't care what you've been brainwashed to believe. Understand this, what is the divine truth will always be the divine truth. No matter where you go no matter what you see no matter what you hear. So if a religion or a group is trying to control your exposure to other information, they fear exposure meaning there's lies. When something is solid, there's no fear there's no control. They don't worry what you've figured out what you've heard. And here's the other thing it's the most unchristian thing to do to persecute others so. You were conditioned since very young children. Most of you to accept this as reality. If it truly was, they wouldn't fear you exploring other things. Because you would be led back to it anyway. So ask yourself, why? Why is there control? Why is there fear... that's in the energy of evil? And what is divine will not do that or need to❤ Wake up, God is within And connected to each and every single one of his children. You don't need your life your existence interpreted by somebody else. Truth doesn't mind being questioned only those who are hiding lies and evil And controlling Your energy and existence does. You're here for more than this.❤ That's all I can say You have the right to choose your own path. But you don't have the right to tear down others who have also Chosen theirs, maybe they're life's mission is different than yours. Doesn't mean They are bad or wrong at all. Maybe they're purpose is different Then yours did you ever consider that? With love and grace? If judgment and fear is what you are living And in your heart. This is not Christian.

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3 weeks ago

A lot of people will be surprised about the truth when Christ comes.

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3 weeks ago

As a former Mormon, I'd like to share two things that I don't think you're likely to hear in the NOM and Ex communities I have been in. 1. The timeline is 18 months. Once you find a group that you feel belonging in post exit, you will be dealing with this attachment to discussing the church and random things about it for about 18 months and then, if you stayed social during that time, it will subside. You'll still feel some sorta way, but it won't rule your life like it does in the beginning. For this reason, I highly recommend not building a life around criticizing the church, both because it will get boring, and because of the second reason. 2. Statistically it is extremely rare that people from any faith position, including a lack of belief in God or gods, change that belief due to a logical discovery. What happens is usually one of two things, either as a child, usually during puberty, part of rebellion exposes someone to a different way of thought and it sticks (still completely valid, regardless of what inspired it), or as a young adult separated from believing parents or sometimes even romantic partners for the first time, one will seek out a new framework to understand their now changed world. Again valid, but neither of these are the fact based, cold logic decisions that we often earnestly believe that we made. Often, regardless of our position on an issue, if you review your understanding of the facts later with a pinch of honesty and a bucket of humility, you'll find that your past self was an idiot. This includes both the faithful past you and the "young apostate" you. For example, the Book of Mormon itself isnt the weak point of the Church. Neither the faithful nor the critics ever seem to realize this, and both tend to scream and holler against the strongest models for it. I say this as someone who doesn't believe it's true. Please keep yourself in good company, wherever you are. Remember that people are people, including those who aren't the saints you thought they were growing up. Love yourself like someone you are responsible for taking care of, and remember that to change minds you have to be the one to go the distance. If you remember those two things, no matter your religious beliefs you will have benefited from your time in the church. Much love- A 10 year convert 4 years post deconversion



3 weeks ago

All cult programming.

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3 weeks ago

¿So if a faithful LDS should consider what an ex-LDS thinks, should an ex-LDS consider what a faithful LDS thinks??



3 weeks ago

How do you know every single member is dedicated to misunderstanding you? Could you be making a huge generalization?



3 weeks ago

Was that Chancellor Palpatine?? 🤔 ...or just another dude from "the Dark Side"??!



3 weeks ago

I thought it would the magic stones in the bucket 😂


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