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Views : 175
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 15, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-11-16T00:32:29.525346Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Wow! That was an awesome message and so well presented. I love the way you said to look for the little things God does today, each day, to help you receive His incomprehensible love. A few years ago God led me into a deeper understanding of His grace and complete forgiveness and that has revolutionized my walk with Him. But you're right, after believing condemnation for decades, it's still a fight to receive His love. Thanks for encouraging me in this area. Also, I'd like to have you and/or your team pray over me for something specific but would like to discuss that in a private email setting. What is the best email to reach you at?
2 |
So interesting you would speak on this. My goddaughter just lost her husband of three months to a motorcycle accident on Friday. They were able to donate his organs, which is an amazing blessing. The sadness is profound but God has given little gifts through the last several days. They feel like little kisses, small and very personal tokens of affection. Iβm so grateful.
1 month ago
Amen. Tysm β€