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Views : 420
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 3, 2025 ^^
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RYD date created : 2025-02-04T12:21:48.413198Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
She is taking about the effects of narcissistic abuse during a relationship. There is no “could be” about it. It’s definitely going to leave lasting effects.
Reactive abuse is where the victim is pushed to the point of exploding and your“reaction” is used against you as proof it’s you and not them.
Yes you do need to get out of there.
Yes you do need to go “no contact” with everybody associated with them as well as the narcissist.
Learn all you can on the subject.
Understanding the “how’s and why’s” will help you see where you are at and what’s coming up. Really helpful for the healing. Like knowing where to get bandaids from. Knowledge is power.
The power to take your life back and remove the rubbish.
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Beautiful insight and advice!💕 The N-ex was casting a huge shadow over me by his incessant self-centeredness and self-promotion. I felt like I was gasping for air as if I was being held underwater figuratively. He would repeat negative things to me that were allegedly was said behind my back. From his family, neighbors and community members. When he spoke he wanted my undivided attention. When I spoke he never acknowledged I was talking. It was insidious covert psychological abuse in my opinion. I would call him out on it and then he would buy me ice cream.
He's someone else's problem now. My peace insanity is priceless! Not to mention my mental health and self-esteem. I was sharing my love and light with him and he was sharing his toxicity and hate. Hardly a fair or even exchange
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This is absolutely spot-on. I became a screaming, crying mess. I lowered my standards so much that even an ant couldn't have limbo'ed under them. I'm now 4 months no contact, he just left a voicemail telling me he's sorry and loves me, but thankfully, I'm done. I'm free, I have no desire to go back. I have accepted that he is unable to love and I am worthy of being loved. Thank you, Danielle
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Whooda ever thunk who we see here every day on the Danielle Radin Show is not Danielle ... but an imposter. What we see is what Danielle sees when she looks in the "Looking Glass" or her "Mirror Image" ... The Exact Opposite.
That means she parts her pretty hair on the left and not the right. And holds the camera in her right hand and not her left.
(I thought she was left-handed like me) But I still bet her actual image is even more attractive ... hahaha but no LOL
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2 days ago
Thank you!