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Views : 41
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 2, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-10-02T22:29:38.623757Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
💯. My mum is totally fine with me having lesbian friends all my life ( they were wonderful at your wedding dear ) - so after hiding as a “token het” forever I finally come out . Come out post marriage of 23 years, three kids later . Three times I’ve come out to my mum - she still believes I’m straight 😂
Expected heterosexuality -compulsory really
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It’s interesting and not to demean what you’re saying in any way but the comparisons can be made that men are told to man up, not show emotions, don’t depend on anyone, don’t be a problem for anyone in their own way…
I don’t know how old you are Carol - maybe older than I .. but I felt the opposite. I felt being straight was frowned upon. I can look back and see the social engineering going on back when I was even a child. It was way “cooler” to be a part of the “oppressed” rainbow crowd.
I think it’s absolutely no one’s business what you’re into.. and being any part of the lgbt group is literally the most boring part about me so.
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1 year ago
I think being nice and kind doesn't just fuck boundaries, but erases ontology. One does not exist for oneself if one has no self just a selfless love like mother. Good vid sis. I also think there is shame about your unnameable genitals that delays normal sexual growth. It's a big topic.
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