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Uploaded At Jul 8, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
You shouldnât be reading ETs into the Bible you should be interpreting ETs with the Bible. Genesis 6:1-4 tells of how the gods of the nations came to be considered as such..to paraphrase- Rebellious Angels saw that Human women were attractive and came to Earth to mate with them creating a race of Giants, extraBiblical texts tell us they also taught humans divine knowledge to incite mankind to worship them with the worship that is deserved by the one true God YHWH the creator of not just the universe / physical realm but also the heavens/ spiritual realm. Genesis 1:1 âIn the beginning God created the HEAVENS and the EARTHâ Colossians 1:15&16 âThe Son (Jesus) is the image of the Invisible God who created all things weather in Heaven or on the Earthâ
Isaiah 6:1-4 says that Isaiah has a vision of heavenly thrown room and serpents with 6 wings were flying above the thrown of God and seated on the thrown was the Ancient of Days (YHWH/GOD)
Angels are serpentine in appearance..a flying or feathered serpent is, by definition A DRAGON!
Satan himself in Revelation 12 is called â..the dragon, that serpent of old called the devil and Satan.â
The image of the invisible God is and always has been Jesus Christ who was before all things, Angels can take on the appearance of Men but theyâre heavenly appearance is that of a dragon and this is why pagan cultures worship a pantheon of little âgâ gods and dragon imagery as well as similar looking pyramids (tower of Babel) are common in every single ancient culture.
From the beginning of Time Satan the dragon lead humanity to worship him deceiving Eve into questioning God and with Him a group of gif like rebellious angels continue to lead humanity away from the true God who is 3 in 1.
Ask me questions I love this stuff this guy hasnât done his homework but heâs getting close to the truth He doesnât know the Bible and should keep reading until then he is a pawn of Satan easy peasy..
Last Thing
â˘John 1:18 says no one has ever seen God but the one and only son who is himself God He has made Him known
â˘No one can see God and liveâ this is said over and over again thruout the Old Testament
â˘I just told you that Isaiah saw God not only him but Abraham walks and even eats with God before destroying Sodom and Gomorrah God appears to Hagar, Samsonâs mother and father, Moses spoke with God face to face, etc..
â˘The only way that both these things can be true is the Trinity! John is not saying that Jesus is the only one who can see God
YHWH is not a dragon He is Father, Son (Jesus), & Holy Spirit
Pray this helps you enjoy reading the Bible and opens your eyes and ears to saving faith in Jesus Christ and will help you to not fall for the demonic alien invasion that will demand worship and obedience from you like they have for all of human history!!
Heaven is real
So is Hell
Jesus is the only way.
I love you. â¤ď¸
7 months ago
Good stuff