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Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 17, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-11-17T21:50:04.754537Z
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1 month ago
One simple part of current research that anyone can do is to look at the best data record about incidence of cancer. In the US, where GMOs came into the food supply first, the data on cancer from the National Cancer Institute SEER data, which you can read on line, shows a table of cancer diagnoses per 100,000 people per year, starting in 1975 and continuing for decades. Remember, there were no GMO foods in our food supply in 1975, until 1993, when the first began to appear. In 1975 there were 400.44 cases per year per 100,000 people. Year after year, this number increases until it maximizes in 1992, at 510.96. All this is while there were no GMOs in our food supply. Beginning in 1973, the rate starts to drop, again, year after year. By 2010, the rate has fallen to 467.64. That whole period coincides with a steady increase in GMO food in our food supply.
Clearly if GMO food causes cancer, it isn't showing up in that data.