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Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 19, 2022 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
She was from Tamilnadu.
Her ear rings speaks that.
Earlier people travelled by sea route whereas Ayodhya do not have any sea nearby. Moreover the queen carried fish emblem in her voyage which belongs to Pandiya dynasty. These again speaks about her lineage to Ayu kingdom that once existed in Tamilnadu. Korean language has many words from Tamil.
Hmm..But still, the fact is there are more than 500 similar words in both Korean and Tamil language. Also, no one mentions this, the Korean National song is called "Arirang" which is "Aarraro Arriro". They would sing this song to kids and their elders would sing this song in Korean. Ask any South Indian probably Tamil, Kerala and maybe Telugu people, they probably know what this song is. Because even now Tamil people sing this song to put baby to sleep. Mostly sung by elders or in villages.
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The Kingdom of Ayodhya was landlocked, which makes it highly unlikely that they had a navy or ships capable of long-distance voyages. The only Indo-Aryan people known to have a navy on par with the South Indians were the Odras of the Kalinga kingdom. However, it was primarily the South Indian kingdoms that had access to sea routes and superior naval power. Therefore, it is more plausible that "Ayuta" refers to the Ay kingdom, not Ayodhya.
What is the proof you telling he is from uttara pradesh we have because. You search in Google of similarities of tamil language and korea it is same he is pandaya Kingdom because pandaya has symbol of fish and he was traveled in ship that time north india cannot traveled in water way so he is from kanyakumari தமிழன்டா🔥🔥
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Also keep that in mind that in modern all languages Tamil is little bit closest to Sanskrit, and sanskrit was prominent in that region on those centuries...
On that time no Tamil , no Indians , no UP , no BIHARI at all, even present area demarkation of indian states are even didn't existed on that time....
1 year ago
She is a queen from kanyakumari
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