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Views : 772,746
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 6, 2022 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-04-12T00:10:30.215151Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I can see why Dream is barely having anything to do with his fans now...
First, you had the stans who were pitching a fit because he wasn't who they wanted. They was expecting him to look like the fan art I believe. Instead he looks like your average joe.
Now a week or two after the face reveal, people are suddenly appearing saying "Dream did this!" or "Dream done this!" I just find it stupid and ridiculous to all of sudden pop up out of nowhere and accuse Dream of doing something.
Truth be told, Dream just shouldn't have done a face reveal. But his fans pure pressured him into doing one and when Dream finally got comfortable with the idea, his fans decide to give him the cold shoulder and get upset.
But here's the thing about this pathetic situation... Dream is being defended by people who aren't even his fans or aren't deep into the fan base like the stans are (I'm a fan but I'm not deep into it). While Dreams actual fans are the ones who are pitching a fit, crying that Dream isn't who they wanted, and accusing Dream of radom junk all of sudden. That junk is getting taking down, very interesting... I know Dream is dealing with a lot of drama right now because of these types of people. But knowing Dream, he's gonna put a halt to this because I believe he's gonna break because of all this nonsense. And I don't blame him
People need to grow up.
4 |
2 years ago
Imagine hating someone this much 😬
1.2K |