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Top Comments of this video!! :3
My student who is a Buddhist once told me that Muslim women look super charming in hijab and they have some kind of light on their face.I was shocked at that time.She told me even the Muslim scholar like Mufti Menk has some light on his face .She told me why was that and I told her maybe Allah loves them .She often asks me what's in the Quran and she is quite mature as she is only 12.She often follows some Islamic scholars like Omar Suleiman ,Mufti Menk and some Bangladeshi Islamic scholars
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After much thought and consideration, I have come to realize Islam is the truth. I took my Shahada just two weeks ago! Your channel has inspired me so much and has been ao important on my journey. Today was my first day going out in full hijab, niqab, and abaya. I felt so protected and it was a beautiful, constant reminder of my faith. Thank you for your videos, and the work you do sharing the beauty of the truth that is Islam. Keep going, sister ❤
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Honestly, I'd say you're the best Muslim I've met. You seem respectful even of other beliefs, even those that aren't supported by the muslim religion. You're pretty much the only reason I feel comfortable being fine with muslims, because most of the ones I've met have been rather... Hateful of me, to put it lightly. Thank you for helping me recognize the Muslim religion is not as bad as the few bad people in it.
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One of my ex friends whose hijabi and has been since she was three years old has this very weird mindset of “it’s so weird for someone to be wearing hijab and not praying five times a day” “like you can’t do that” “first start praying five times a day and then think about wearing the hijab” like girl what?! There’s no rule saying wearing hijab means automatically having to pray five times a day. They’re two separate commandments.💀
Sister, before marriage I feel that I was more religious. I thought my husband family religious more than us. After marriage I saw that they’re allegedly Muslim . My husband wanted me to wear niqab I accepted bcz he had said all his family woman members niqab they wouldn’t accept me as a hijab lady. After marriage everything changed while I started wearing niqab they take off their hijab and niqab and no prayer. This is not about me but I feel Allah more when I was single now I feel I am cheated also my husband doesn’t remind me of Islam . I am trying to find happiness Islamic books bcz I still couldn’t adapt where I live and this life corruption little bit I wish to back my past.
Just because someone is performing their daily salah, dressing modestly, etc. People think they are perfect Muslim. And also if you commit any sin they'll be like how can he/she commit a sin. After all we are human beings😭 no one is perfect except our prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Doing bare minimum is considered 'religious' in today's society
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No one is perfect, we all make mistakes but the best thing to do is to move on from the past, learn from our mistakes, and try to become to best version of ourselves. You aren’t doing this for the creation, remember that- you’re doing it for the Creator. It doesn’t matter what others may say or care about- it’s not their choice- it’s yours., this Dunya is just an illusion of pretty lies! Insha’Allah May Allah ﷻ grant you and us all the strength and courage to go on to the righteous path and easily follow His commands as well as the beautiful teachings of Muhammad ﷺ. 🌺
you can do it, I believe in you!!
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11 months ago
12 days ago i started to wear the hijab. and working hard to pray 5 times and keep up with my faith. Alhamdulilah. What you said is so trueee
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