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Does the LDS church demand a childlike lifestyle? #exmormon #exmo
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11 months ago

Itā€™s not a church itā€™s a corporation. You have to pay to belong or better yet. It nightclub yet to buy a membership.

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1 year ago

If I remember correctly, I remember so many lessons while I was active specifically telling us to be humble and meek like unto a child. There is good reason for the church to tell its members to be this way. It was packaged and taught to help us remain good and innocent, but it really made us more malleable and easier to manipulate.

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1 year ago

Left the LDS church several years ago how to change my LDS moral integrity but I'm definitely enjoying my life more.

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1 year ago

I spent a lifetime to as a believing LDS member, I took a deep dive into LDS history, including the life of Joseph Smith. I also took a second deep dive into Christianity in general all was meant as faith promoting journeys and I ended up deconstructing my whole world view as I had believed it. And now I am done with with holy men and holy books and magical messiahs.

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11 months ago

Ten percent on the gross, which translates to 30% if you are an independent contractor, more if you pay fast offerings and missionary funds

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1 year ago

A lot of this stuff isn't even specifically Mormon. I went to an Orthodox church as a child and later a Protestant church and I think my mom was raised Protestant. A lot of the same rules applied, either according to the Orthodox church or my mom's own personal morals. Like the 10% tithe, no alcohol, no tattoos, no sex before marriage/no even thinking about sex, no provocative dancing/clubbing, no swearing, no dressing immodestly, no abortion, no gays, no movies with too much sexuality, swearing, violence (unless it was Passion of the Christ) or other un-Christianlike behavior or values, covering up/turning a blind eye to child molestation, victim blaming domestic abuse victims, rejecting evolution, and lying about having a religious basis for objecting to vaccines to get out of having to get them.

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1 year ago

Not all ā€œadultsā€ members or not choose to dress modestly, go to clubs or drinkā€¦ this has nothing to do with age, it is a choice.

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11 months ago

I had a bishop refuse me a temple recommend because my MOM didnā€™t pay tithing. I was 28 years old and while I lived with her (she was in poor health), we had separate finances. No one else thought it was at all weird that her not paying tithing was affecting my temple recommend worthiness.

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11 months ago

It's amazing, you don't realize how childlike you were kept to be, until you leave the cult.

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1 year ago

They don treat you with dignity that ANYBODY deserves



3 months ago

yeah. I don't pay them a rat turd anymore.



11 months ago

No childlike love gives 100% of their life to their parents. We only do 10%. We need to do better.

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11 months ago

I want my tithing back. They donā€™t need it. I do



1 year ago

I spent about 5-6 years in the brethren of Christ church system which is a fairly strict bu the book evangelical fundamental church. And aside from the coffee and tea thing we were to adhere to every other element mentiond, no rated R movies, no clubs, give up soda, no sex till marriage and premarital sex is heavily fround upon. Women were ro dress prooerly and modestly, 10% tithing highly encouraged and rheir wouls be two offerings. For those dealing with sexual temptations the elders highly encouraged to surrender your computer, cellphone, and even ipod, your accounts would be monitored and you were to report all sexual thoughts and temptations to the higher ups. If you were lgbtq you were encouraged to either stop being lgbtq or you were encouraged not to come. So you see why i left, i guess i wasnt spiritually steong enough to handle the pressures of the brethren in christ church



1 year ago

Not true.....I have tattoos, I have very long hair, I'm a member missionary, I don't wear a white shirt and tie, normally I attend Church in jeans and high-tops, I'm connected to General Authorities, before becoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I was a Baptist Anti-LDS missionary. I can do much more with 90% than I did with 100%. Tithing is easy.



1 year ago

Listen, I don't approve of LDS or Mormons because I don't agree with their beliefs, but I am a Christian, and some of these things aren't just rules, they are things we should want to do for God

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1 year ago

There is something called choice. And when has the church ever told us to be a nine year old child. And there are things to that she is saying that isn't true.

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1 year ago

Hmmm... supporting lgbtq+?? Wow. Went from one very far side to another. Balance is key.

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