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Genre: Music
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 31, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Interesting proposition. Could i hypothesise that it is like a seed to be cultivated because of a factor of self preservation. To not put all our needs in the hands of it going wrong and not having that for the future. Possibly because we, generally speaking for the western world, experience a reality in which our trust is given and broken frequently. But also because nature is out of our control and to some degree our evolution has done its best to manage that unpredictability.
By reversed extension of that idea(that is by no means 100% only what happens, simply the limited extent of my understanding existing in a hypothetical scenario), if we all did no intentional wrong by others, being accountable and honest about things that were out of our control, would there be an inherent trust for every person you meet? I couldnt imagine 100% but certainly much higher frequency of experience. However, im not entirely aware of all things, fleshing it out as i go.
Just some thoughts sparked by your interesting perspective.
However on the latter idea, im honestly not sure id prefer to live in a world like that. The majority populous would be susceptible to potentially great harm from unseen manipulation. I think id prefer to live in a world where trust is earnt. And i guess everyone has a different pace.
1 month ago
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