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Uploaded At Sep 22, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I believe this. I got my job as a preschool teacher by saying "I have kids with adhd and my friends kids has autism and I've found the trick isn't in how you treat the kids with autism or adhd but to give the same patience and grace to the allistics that you give the autistics" i honestly could say all or none of my kids are autistic because it really comes down to learning the tools to regulate your own body. For some its intuitive, and for some they need instruction or tips or outside help. I've only had two students who I can't reach and so I just softly guide them through their days and give them what appears to give them joy.
760 |
I worked in a lock down Psych ward. It was the worst experience of my life. They don't help anyone, just push authority and medications on patients. There aren't enough words in any language's vocabulary that can describe the toxicity and incompetence of these psych wards. Every patient, and every staff member left there being in a worse position they were in upon intake or hire.
1.3K |
I remember watching movies based on real stories where mental institutions and mental health care providers took the insurance of the patients as a diagnosis. Higher insurance meant 'sicker' patients.
I remember a story about a woman who went voluntarily for a week. She wanted a professional guided breakdown. Once inside, she wasn't allowed to leave.
Her husband brought her but couldn't pick her up. The insurance was to damn high!
39 |
yep. When I was 15 & in a psych ward I was diagnosed with dmdd. (disruptive mood dysregulation disorder) during one of our meetings the psychiatrist told me the meeting was over and that I could leave, and then he went and claimed that i stormed out for no reason. he literally lied just so he could diagnose me with it. then he told my parents the best way to get me to clean my room is for them to not clean the house. he retired while I was in there. I feel like he was just fucking people up on purpose because he was about to leave.
1.7K |
As a nurse of over 25 years I've seen people actually take on symptoms of mental illness once a doctor put that idea into their heads. One of our patients felt "anxious", considering she was getting ready to end a marriage, move to a different state, and begin college, it stands to reason that she would have some anxiety. Another "anxiety" patient actually had a diseased thyroid. Once another doctor ran the bloodwork and her thyroid hormones were controlled, she was completely find and could drop all FOUR of the medications she had been on for "anxiety and depression"
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When I was little, my first roundabout in the psych hospital, they tried to diagnose me with a bunch of clearly wrong behavioral disorders just because I refused to take a medicine without talking to my mom. I was 7, they should’ve been proud that I wasn’t taking random drugs without my mom’s permission.
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5 months ago
Once you’re labeled “crazy” no matter how rational you are whatever you say is “crazy” and ignored. Absolutely terrifying
16K |