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Views : 68,357
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 5, 2021 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Hello! I just wanna ask what is the different between Dentist and Orthodontist? Coz i have a braces almost 2yrs by this Comming december and there is almost a change but i am still not suttisfied coz my face still looks bad still not in the perfect Midline both up and down. But my dentist told me its already in the middle. Yeah! Its already in the midline but my face still going left 😕 Up and down is going left so sad.
Can you talk about molars? I've been in braces hell because my ortho did not engage my 2nd molars on one side. Once the teeth got straightened the molars that got left behind made it painful to chew. I got a 2nd round to fix it but when the tilted molar got pushed in, it put the straight molar on the other side out and transferred the initial problem from one side of the mouth to the other. I got the braces off but the ortho couldn't align the crowns perfectly and I feel the imbalance with my retainer.
I really need help doc. So basically my wire is bend in the bottom front I’m not sure if my orthodontist did it. I felt a lot of pressure during getting my braces tighten but they did not tell me anything so I’m scared if I bend the wire from eating or orthodontist did it. I’ve never bend any wire before through out the last 10 months and I’m always eating soft food not too hard.
3 years ago
I wanted the Invisalign at first but I knew I couldn’t commit to wearing them for 20-22 hours. I am glad I went with metal braces. Good luck to anyone wearing Invisalign. Your smile will be beautiful.
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