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Uploaded At Dec 11, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
If I was to if I was to be dropped in an unfamiliar land, and knew there was going to be heavy enemy resistance and a high likelihood of a firefight, and I was only allowed to pick one rifle to accompany me, it would have to be the M14 by far.
Most people would probably say the AK-47 due to its rugged reliability and select fire abilities. However the AK-47 is an extremely inaccurate weapon incapable of maintaining a close grouping at ranges greater than 300 yd. The M14 on the other hand, is capable, at least in my experience, of maintaining a six-inch of grouping at 1000 yards.
It too is a select fire weapon, capable of fully automatic fire and carries a heavier 7.62 by 51 mm Nato round which is superior to the AK-47s 7.62 by 39 mm. And it too is an extremely reliable weapon because of its type of gas impingement system which utilizes a piston that pushes the bolt back in between rounds. It is almost identical to the Piston fed gas impingement system on the AK 47.
The M14 will always chamber a round and be ready to fire fresh out of the water, covered with sand or mud, and without very much cleaning. When you pick up the M14 to your shoulder, you know it's going to fire. Plus I'm a sucker for all weapons made in the good old U.S. of A.
All-around- the consensus is that the AK-47 is the #1 military assault rifle. Factoring in dependability, ease of operation and manufacture, and many other considerations.
Personally, I found the AK less accurate, heavier, and more cumbersome. With the AR15 / M-16 I was outstanding trainee of the cycle for BRM(Basic Rifle Marksmanship).I had only seen the M-16 on television, but after about a week of familiarization I shot 40/40 at 300 meters. My Company Commander even called out “head or “chest” in a random fashion
The AK is like a pocket knife and the AT is a scalpel.
1 year ago
This is six months on one of the six months
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